Laravel Eloquent Select Case

Laravel Eloquent Select CASE?

Move your raw() call inside the SELECT statement:

->select(' AS share_id', ' AS user_id', 'shares.connected_user_id',    
'shares.original_language_id', 'shares.image',
'users.first_name', 'users.last_name', '',
'', '', 'countries.code',
'', 'locations.lng',
DB::raw('(CASE WHEN = ' . $user . ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS is_user')
->orderBy('shares.created_at', 'desc')


Laravel - How to add a JOIN and CASE-WHEN using Query Builder or Eloquent?

You can try with below query

myFriendsData = DB::table('audioassets as aa')
->where('ks.keysig', 'LIKE', '%')
->join('instruments', 'audioassets.instrument_id', '=', '')
->leftjoin('ragalist', 'audioassets.raga_id', '=', '')
->join('keysigs', 'audioassets.keysig_id', '=', '')
->join('likes ', = likes.audioassets_id, function() {})
WHEN likes.user_id = 1 THEN true ELSE false
->select('audioassets.filepath', 'audioassets.filename','instruments.instrument', 'ragalist.raga', 'keysigs.keysig', '', ' as likesid');

apply sql case on select all in laravel

To retrieve all the columns you can use DB::raw method also.

$products = Product::where('is_archive',0)->select(
DB::raw('(CASE WHEN pick_8 = 1 THEN "True" ELSE "False" END) AS pick_8'),
DB::raw('(CASE WHEN pick_12 = 1 THEN "True" ELSE "False" END) AS pick_12'))->get()->toArray();

CASE statement will overwrite original values of pick_8 and pick_12 columns.

P.S. By the way. I guess you trying to use wrong tools to reach your goal. Take a look at eloquent-mutators

Case When Like in Eloquent in Laravel

Try with "(CASE WHEN akun LIKE '%51%' THEN 51 ELSE 0 END )" Notice the double quote to contain the whereRaw statement.

And to send dynamic data you can try "(CASE WHEN akun LIKE '%".data."%' THEN 51 ELSE 0 END )"

So your query should look like this:

$realisasi=Realisasi::whereRaw("(CASE WHEN akun LIKE '%".$data."%' THEN 51 ELSE 0 END )')

MySQL requires the like pattern to be inside single quotes. For more reference:

laravel 7: how to display data with if / case statements in the raw / query builder

Try using single quotes for MySQL string literals:

$data = DB::table('my_table as app')
->select('fullname', 'is_active',
DB::raw("CASE app.is_active WHEN '0' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS status"))

If the above fixes your problem, then I would actually be a bit surprised, because MySQL usually will accept double quotes for string literals. The error message you see implies that "0" is being interpreted as a column name instead.

laravel query with case statement in where clause append IS NULL after condition

Replace your DB::raw with whereRaw

'er.id_user_request_to' => $nIdUser
->whereRaw(('case WHEN ge.id_user IS NOT NULL THEN ge.id_user = '.$nIdUser.' ELSE 0 END'))

I hope it help's

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