Is There Ever a Time Where Using a Database 1:1 Relationship Makes Sense

Is there ever a time where using a database 1:1 relationship makes sense?

A 1:1 relationship typically indicates that you have partitioned a larger entity for some reason. Often it is because of performance reasons in the physical schema, but it can happen in the logic side as well if a large chunk of the data is expected to be "unknown" at the same time (in which case you have a 1:0 or 1:1, but no more).

As an example of a logical partition: you have data about an employee, but there is a larger set of data that needs to be collected, if and only if they select to have health coverage. I would keep the demographic data regarding health coverage in a different table to both give easier security partitioning and to avoid hauling that data around in queries unrelated to insurance.

An example of a physical partition would be the same data being hosted on multiple servers. I may keep the health coverage demographic data in another state (where the HR office is, for example) and the primary database may only link to it via a linked server... avoiding replicating sensitive data to other locations, yet making it available for (assuming here rare) queries that need it.

Physical partitioning can be useful whenever you have queries that need consistent subsets of a larger entity.

When I should use one to one relationship?

1 to 0..1

  • The "1 to 0..1" between super and sub-classes is used as a part of "all classes in separate tables" strategy for implementing inheritance.

  • A "1 to 0..1" can be represented in a single table with "0..1" portion covered by NULL-able fields. However, if the relationship is mostly "1 to 0" with only a few "1 to 1" rows, splitting-off the "0..1" portion into a separate table might save some storage (and cache performance) benefits. Some databases are thriftier at storing NULLs than others, so a "cut-off point" where this strategy becomes viable can vary considerably.

1 to 1

  • The real "1 to 1" vertically partitions the data, which may have implications for caching. Databases typically implement caches at the page level, not at the level of individual fields, so even if you select only a few fields from a row, typically the whole page that row belongs to will be cached. If a row is very wide and the selected fields relatively narrow, you'll end-up caching a lot of information you don't actually need. In a situation like that, it may be useful to vertically partition the data, so only the narrower, more frequently used portion or rows gets cached, so more of them can fit into the cache, making the cache effectively "larger".

  • Another use of vertical partitioning is to change the locking behavior: databases typically cannot lock at the level of individual fields, only the whole rows. By splitting the row, you are allowing a lock to take place on only one of its halfs.

  • Triggers are also typically table-specific. While you can theoretically have just one table and have the trigger ignore the "wrong half" of the row, some databases may impose additional limits on what a trigger can and cannot do that could make this impractical. For example, Oracle doesn't let you modify the mutating table - by having separate tables, only one of them may be mutating so you can still modify the other one from your trigger.

  • Separate tables may allow more granular security.

These considerations are irrelevant in most cases, so in most cases you should consider merging the "1 to 1" tables into a single table.

See also: Why use a 1-to-1 relationship in database design?

Why use a 1-to-1 relationship in database design?

From the logical standpoint, a 1:1 relationship should always be merged into a single table.

On the other hand, there may be physical considerations for such "vertical partitioning" or "row splitting", especially if you know you'll access some columns more frequently or in different pattern than the others, for example:

  • You might want to cluster or partition the two "endpoint" tables of a 1:1 relationship differently.
  • If your DBMS allows it, you might want to put them on different physical disks (e.g. more performance-critical on an SSD and the other on a cheap HDD).
  • You have measured the effect on caching and you want to make sure the "hot" columns are kept in cache, without "cold" columns "polluting" it.
  • You need a concurrency behavior (such as locking) that is "narrower" than the whole row. This is highly DBMS-specific.
  • You need different security on different columns, but your DBMS does not support column-level permissions.
  • Triggers are typically table-specific. While you can theoretically have just one table and have the trigger ignore the "wrong half" of the row, some databases may impose additional limits on what a trigger can and cannot do. For example, Oracle doesn't let you modify the so called "mutating" table from a row-level trigger - by having separate tables, only one of them may be mutating so you can still modify the other from your trigger (but there are other ways to work-around that).

Databases are very good at manipulating the data, so I wouldn't split the table just for the update performance, unless you have performed the actual benchmarks on representative amounts of data and concluded the performance difference is actually there and significant enough (e.g. to offset the increased need for JOINing).

On the other hand, if you are talking about "1:0 or 1" (and not a true 1:1), this is a different question entirely, deserving a different answer...

See also: When I should use one to one relationship?

Database Design - Should one-to-one relationships be avoided?

No, a 1:1 relationship can totally make sense.

Imagine an entity that optionally has a bucket full of attributes - some of your entities have those, others don't.

You can either include all those attributes as columns into your entity table - but in that case, lots of columns would end up empty for a significant number of the entries.

Or: you can put those "optional" attributes into a separate table, set up a 1:1 (or rather: 0:1) relationship with the base entity table, and only store stuff in there if your entity in question really has those attributes.

The main criteria to decide whether to "outsource" some attributes into a separate table would be:

  • how many attributes does this concern? If it's just one or two - don't go to lengths to put these in separate tables. But if you're talking about 8, 10, 15 - then consider it

  • how many of the base entities might have those optional attributes? Again: if 95% of all entities will always have all those attributes anyway, then it doesn't make sense to do this extra step. If only half or less of your entities will have those attributes -> I would definitely consider such a table

SQL one to one relationship vs. single table

You would normally split tables into two or more 1:1 related tables when the table gets very wide (i.e. has many columns). It is hard for programmers to have to deal with tables with too many columns. For big companies such tables can easily have more than 100 columns.

So imagine a product table. There is a selling price and maybe another price which was used for calculation and estimation only. Wouldn't it be good to have two tables, one for the real values and one for the planning phase? So a programmer would never confuse the two prices. Or take logistic settings for the product. You want to insert into the products table, but with all these logistic attributes in it, do you need to set some of these? If it were two tables, you would insert into the product table, and another programmer responsible for logistics data would care about the logistic table. No more confusion.

Another thing with many-column tables is that a full table scan is of course slower for a table with 150 columns than for a table with just half of this or less.

A last point is access rights. With separate tables you can grant different rights on the product's main table and the product's logistic table.

So all in all, it is rather rare to see 1:1 relations, but they can give a clearer view on data and even help with performance issues and data access.

EDIT: I'm taking Mike Sherrill's advice and (hopefully) clarify the thing about normalization.

Normalization is mainly about avoiding redundancy and relateded lack of consistence. The decision whether to hold data in only one table or more 1:1 related tables has nothing to do with this. You can decide to split a user table in one table for personal information like first and last name and another for his school, graduation and job. Both tables would stay in the normal form as the original table, because there is no data more or less redundant than before. The only column used twice would be the user id, but this is not redundant, because it is needed in both tables to identify a record.

So asking "Is it considered correct to normalize the settings into a separate table?" is not a valid question, because you don't normalize anything by putting data into a 1:1 related separate table.

Do 1 to 1 relations on db tables smell?

I don't usually use 1 to 1 relations unless there is a specific performance reason for it. For example storing an infrequently used large text or BLOB type field in a separate table.

I would suspect that there is something else going on here though. In the example you give - PmFirstName - it seems like maybe there should be a single pm_id relating to a "ProjectManagers" or "Employees" table. Are you sure none of those groupings are really entity candidates?

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