Is There a Combination of "Like" and "In" in Sql

Is there a combination of LIKE and IN in SQL?

There is no combination of LIKE & IN in SQL, much less in TSQL (SQL Server) or PLSQL (Oracle). Part of the reason for that is because Full Text Search (FTS) is the recommended alternative.

Both Oracle and SQL Server FTS implementations support the CONTAINS keyword, but the syntax is still slightly different:


WHERE CONTAINS(t.something, 'bla OR foo OR batz', 1) > 0

SQL Server:

WHERE CONTAINS(t.something, '"bla*" OR "foo*" OR "batz*"')

The column you are querying must be full-text indexed.


  • Building Full-Text Search Applications with Oracle Text
  • Understanding SQL Server Full-Text

Combining LIKE and IN for SQL Server

Effectively, the IN statement creates a series of OR statements... so

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column IN (1, 2, 3)

Is effectively

SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = 1 OR column = 2 OR column = 3

And sadly, that is the route you'll have to take with your LIKE statements

WHERE column LIKE 'Text%' OR column LIKE 'Hello%' OR column LIKE 'That%'

Is there a combination of “LIKE” and “IN” in athena?

You can use regexp_like

SELECT regexp_like('login_failed xxx', '(registration_time|login_failed)')

or in WHERE

WHERE regexp_like(name, '(registration_time|login_failed)')

SQL query combination of like and in?

You need to use multiple OR:

select * 
from tableA
where columnA like '%complete%'
or columnA like '%requested%'
or ...

Use Join:

FROM tableA t
JOIN VALUES (('%complete%'), ('%requested%'), ...) v(c)
ON t.columnA LIKE v.c

Be aware that search pattern %phrase% is not SARG-able and query optimizer won't use index on that column, if exists any.

You should consider usage of Full-Text Search

Using SQL LIKE and IN together

You can do it by in one query by stringing together the individual LIKEs with ORs:

SELECT * FROM tablename
WHERE column LIKE 'M510%'
OR column LIKE 'M615%'
OR column LIKE 'M515%'
OR column LIKE 'M612%';

Just be aware that things like LIKE and per-row functions don't always scale that well. If your table is likely to grow large, you may want to consider adding another column to your table to store the first four characters of the field independently.

This duplicates data but you can guarantee it stays consistent by using insert and update triggers. Then put an index on that new column and your queries become:

SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE newcolumn IN ('M510','M615','M515','M612');

This moves the cost-of-calculation to the point where it's necessary (when the data changes), not every single time you read it. In fact, you could go even further and have your new column as a boolean indicating that it was one of the four special types (if that group of specials will change infrequently). Then the query would be an even faster:

SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE is_special = 1;

This tradeoff of storage requirement for speed is a useful trick for larger databases - generally, disk space is cheap, CPU grunt is precious, and data is read far more often than written. By moving the cost-of-calculation to the write stage, you amortise the cost across all the reads.

Combination of 'LIKE' and 'IN' using t-sql

There is no combined LIKE and IN syntax but you can use LIKE to JOIN onto your query as below.

;WITH Query(Result) As
SELECT '% Main Street' UNION ALL
SELECT 'foo %'
FROM Street s
JOIN Query q ON StreetName LIKE q.Result

Or to use your example in the comments

FROM Street s
JOIN CarStreets cs ON s.StreetName LIKE + '%'
WHERE cs.Streets = 'offroad'

SQL LIKE Operator for multiple combinations of string spacing?

declare @Width varchar(10)='6', @Height varchar(10)='4';

select *
('HIP 6" X 4" Sign Digital'), ('HIP 6"X4"'), ('HIP 6" X4"'), ('6" X4" Digital'),
('HIP7 6" X 4"'), ('HIP 6" X 4" Sign Digital'), ('HIP 6"X 4" Sign Digital'),
('HIP 16" X 4"'), ('HIP 6" X 24"'), ('HIP6 " X 4"')
) as t(description)
where '.' + replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(description, ' ', '- '), ' -', ''), '- ', ' '), 'X ', 'X'), ' X', 'X') like '%[^0-9]'+@Width+'"X'+@Height+'"%';

SQL Server, combining LIKE and IN?

Not really.

There is no alternation operator in the LIKE pattern syntax. If on 2008 you can use

FROM table1
FROM (VALUES ('value1'),
('value3')) Vals(val)
WHERE column1 LIKE '%' + val + '%')

You can also use Regular Expressions in SQL Server but not natively. You need to enable CLR and install an assembly for this.

Combine LIKE and IN using only WHERE clause

One possible approach is to use EXISTS in combination with LIKE in the subquery:

select * from table1 t1 
where exists (select null
from table2 t2
where t1.fullname like '%' || t2.pattern || '%');

Is there any way to combine LIKE and IN in SQL?

You cannot use LIKE IN but you can use OR:

select MAX(score) as score, title from 
select LEN(CurrentTerm) as score, title
from tableName
WHERE title LIKE '%railway employee%'
OR title LIKE '%railway%'
OR title LIKE '%employee%'
) as t1
group by title
order by score DESC;

You might be able to use something similar to the following which uses a derived table of the 3 search terms with a score value:

select max(score) as score, title
select 2 score, 'railway employee' term union all
select 1 score, 'railway' term union all
select 1 score, 'employee' term
) d
inner join tableName t
on title like concat('%', term, '%')
group by title
order by score desc;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

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