Insert Command :: Error: Column "Value" Does Not Exist

INSERT COMMAND :: ERROR: column value does not exist

Character constants need single quotes.

Use: INSERT INTO users(user_name, name, password,email) VALUES ('user2','first last','password1', '' );

See the manual:…

Note: After I encountered the same problem and almost missed the answer that exists in this page (at the comments section), thanks to @a-horse-with-no-name - I've posted this answer

PostgreSQL sql command error column 'does not exist'

Your column is called "TransDate" not transdate. You created your table using double quotes for the column names, which makes them case sensitive and you must use double quotes all the time:

INSERT INTO dxtest_loadprofiletosale
(id, "TransDate", "IssueDate", "CustomerNum")
(1, '2015-03-04','2015-01-01',01);

More details about SQL identifiers are in the manual:

In general it is better to never use double quotes - it will give you a lot less trouble in the long run.

ERROR: column exists does not exist in SQL insert command


If there were any results from your query, FOUND will be TRUE, else FALSE.

EXISTS takes a query which returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the query returns any results, e.g. IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM table WHERE condition) THEN...

So the main difference is FOUND is a variable which is set after your query/statement returns, and is set to TRUE/FALSE depending on whether your SELECT statement returned any results, or your UPDATE/DELETE statement affected any rows.

EXISTS on the other hand is an operator that returns TRUE/FALSE based on a query you provide to it at that point in time.

cannot get simple PostgreSQL insert to work

Use 'auto dealer' instead. PostgreSQL interprets " as being quotes for identifiers, ' as being quotes for strings.


  • If this is a new project, just don't use mixed case tables; it is a
    source of frustration later. Instead of being able to use any case in
    your SQL statements, you must both quote the identifier name and get
    the case correct.

  • There is no need to specify id/DEFAULT, you're
    asking it to do what it would have done already. I haven't met a DBMS
    that requires you to include columnName/DEFAULT if you want it to
    put the default value in the column, so I don't think this extra KV
    pair is going to make what is happening clearer to anyone reading
    your code later.

Column doesn't exist error when trying to insert new value to table (on heroku using nodejs and pg library)

Postgres treats double quotes as columns. You could use single column.



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