How to Log in T-Sql

How to log in T-SQL

I solved this by writing a SQLCLR-procedure as Eric Z Beard suggested. The assembly must be signed with a strong name key file.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

public partial class StoredProcedures
public static int Debug(string s)
return 0;

Created a key and a login:

USE [master]



Imported it into SQL Server:

USE [mydb]

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Debug( @message as nvarchar(200) )
AS EXTERNAL NAME SqlServerProject1.[StoredProcedures].Debug

Then I was able to log in T-SQL procedures using

exec Debug @message = 'Hello World'

Get login name in SQL SERVER

execute as login = 'LCF\jmp'
select distinct name
from sys.login_token
where principal_id > 0
and type = 'WINDOWS GROUP';

Where are SQL Server connection attempts logged?

You can enable connection logging. For SQL Server 2008, you can enable Login Auditing. In SQL Server Management Studio, open SQL Server Properties > Security > Login Auditing select "Both failed and successful logins".

Make sure to restart the SQL Server service.

Once you've done that, connection attempts should be logged into SQL's error log. The physical logs location can be determined here.

T-SQL Create User/Login not allowing connection

Make sure mixed mode authentication is enabled.

You can easily check the authentication mode using

exec master.sys.xp_loginconfig 'login mode'

TSQL: TRY CATCH error handling with logging errors into a table

You have to be very careful with logging from CATCH locks. First and foremost, you must check the XACT_STATE() and honor it. If xact_state is -1 (
'uncommittable transaction') you cannot do any transactional operation, so the INSERT fail. You must first rollback, then insert. But you cannot simply rollback, because you may be in xact_state 0 (no transaction) in which case rollback would fail. And if xact_state is 1, you are still in the original transaction, and your INSERT may still be rolled back later and you'll loose all track of this error ever occurring.

Another approach to consider is to generate a user defined profiler event using sp_trace_generateevent and have a system trace monitoring your user event ID. This works in any xact_state state and has the advantage of keeping the record even if the encompassing transaction will roll back later.

I should mention that I always set XACT_ABORT

Stop doing this. Read Exception handling and nested transactions for a good SP pattern vis-a-vis error handling and transactions.

T-SQL Transaction Logging Issue

First, when you say,

Each night I use SSIS to pull in a large amount of records from our master database into my database

I presume this does not literally mean the system master database. If it does, there should not be user objects in there and it should not be processing or storing any user data there. If you are, migrate this to a user database.

Second, the short answer to the logging problem is this:
The default recovery model for a database is Full. As noted in the comments, this means that no logs are overwritten until a back up occurs. This model works for point in time recovery and makes sense for a transactional system. So there are a few options:

  • If this is a reporting system, it usually makes sense to put this into simple recovery model and do nightly backups. Especially if the data is only changing once per day.
  • If you do require up to the minute point in time recovery, log backups should be performed every 15 min. I'm guessing that the management and retention of these backups will make no sense for you and you should use option 1.
  • When processing data in an SSIS dataflow, each buffer is committed one at a time. If you have not fiddled with the defaults, this means you are committing 10k rows at a maximum. So everything is already getting nicely chunked up. The problem then, is not that the batch sizes are too great, it is that you are in the wrong recovery model or that you are not backing up your logs often enough.

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