How to Handle an in Sub-Query with Linq to SQL

How can you handle an IN sub-query with LINQ to SQL?

Have a look at this article. Basically, if you want to get the equivalent of IN, you need to construct an inner query first, and then use the Contains() method. Here's my attempt at translating:

var innerQuery = from fb in FoorBar where fb.BarId = 1000 select fb.FooId;
var result = from f in Foo where innerQuery.Contains(f.FooId) select f;

LINQ to SQL, using subquery with IN operator

Looking at your code I think this is what you need. By doing it this way you can also avoid the unions.

var friends_A = from f in entities.Friends
where f.Friend_A != User.Identity.Name
&& f.Friend_B == User.Identity.Name
select f.Friend_A;

var friends_B = from f in entities.Friends
where f.Friend_A == User.Identity.Name
&& f.Friend_B != User.Identity.Name
select f.Friend_B;

var posts =
from p in entities.Posts
let userName = p.UserName.ToLower()
userName == User.Identity.Name ||
select new

LINQ TO SQL Subquery

This should work for you:-

var result = (from x in
((from data in db.DATA orderby data.ID descending select data).Take(2))
orderby x.ID
select x).FirstOrDefault();

How to do a subquery in LINQ?

Here's a subquery for you!

List<int> IdsToFind = new List<int>() {2, 3, 4};

.Where(u => SqlMethods.Like(u.LastName, "%fra%"))
.Where(u =>
.Where(crtu => IdsToFind.Contains(crtu.CompanyRoleId))
.Select(crtu => crtu.UserId)

Regarding this portion of the question:

predicateAnd = predicateAnd.And(c => c.LastName.Contains(

I strongly recommend extracting the string from the textbox before authoring the query.

string searchString = TextBoxLastName.Text.Trim();
predicateAnd = predicateAnd.And(c => c.LastName.Contains( searchString));

You want to maintain good control over what gets sent to the database. In the original code, one possible reading is that an untrimmed string gets sent into the database for trimming - which is not good work for the database to be doing.

Sql Query with not in clause of subquery to LINQ query


    from a in user_user_connection 
join b in user_user_connection on
new {From=a.userid_to, To=a.userid_from} equals new {From=b.userid_from, To=b.userid_to} into c
from d in c.DefaultIfEmpty()
where d == null
select a;

is similar to

select a.*
from user_user_connection a
left join user_user_connection b on a.userid_to = b.userid_from and a.userid_from = b.userid_to
where b.userid_from is null

which should match your not in query.

if you want a specific userid_from you can add another where

    from a in user_user_connection 
where a.userid_from == 3464
join b in user_user_connection on
new {From=a.userid_to, To=a.userid_from} equals new {From=b.userid_from, To=b.userid_to} into c
from d in c.DefaultIfEmpty()
where d == null
select a;

LINQ how to translate subquery in FROM clause

What may help is going through a couple sample linq queries and look at the results. For example, the following code will create an IEnumerable of val1's.

var subSelect1 = (from val1 in aTable 
where = "bar"

Note the above is equivalent to the below.

var subSelect1 = (from val1 in aTable 
where = "bar"
select val1 /* this select statement is implied in the above */

Adding the select new {val1.foobar} after the where clause creates an IEnumerable of an anonymous type, with one property named foobar. This means that you'll only be able to join against the one property foobar.

var subSelect1 = (from val1 in aTable
where == "bar"
select new {val1.foobar}

var mainSelect = (from f in subSelect1
where f.foobar == "test")

By leaving out the select new, you'll have access to all the fields in val1.

var subSelect1 = (from val1 in aTable 
where == "bar"

var mainSelect = (from v in subSelect1
where v.foobar == "test"
and == "status"

linq inner join sub query and conditional select

you can use Lambda expressions group by and for conditional select use inline condition like below:

var query = (from u in UsageLogs
join c in (UsageLogs.GroupBy(r => r.username).Select(r => new {username = r.Key, lastStart = r.Max(p => p.start)))
on u.username equals c.username
orderby u.lastname,u.firstname,u.program.u.start
select new
lastname = u.lastname,
firstname = u.firstname,
program = u.program,
start = u.start,
end = u.end,
error = (u.end == NULL && u.start < c.lastStart) ? 1 : 0,
loggedOn = (u.end == NULL && u.start == c.lastStart) ? 1 : 0,

LINQ query with sub-query on LEFT JOIN conditions

after some research I finally found how to do it. Here is the LINQ query that generates the SQL I was trying to get:

var leaseList = (from l in leases.tblfLeaseDetails
join p in leases.tblfPayments
on l.Lease_Detail_ID equals p.Lease_Detail_ID into lp
from jlp in lp.Where(x => x.Payment_ID == (from pj in leases.tblfPayments
where pj.Lease_Detail_ID == l.Lease_Detail_ID
orderby pj.Payment_Date ascending
select pj.Payment_ID).FirstOrDefault()).DefaultIfEmpty()
join a in leases.tblfAuthorizations on l.Lease_Detail_ID equals a.Lease_Detail_ID into la
from jla in la.Where(x => x.Authorization_ID == (from aj in leases.tblfAuthorizations
where aj.Lease_Detail_ID == l.Lease_Detail_ID
orderby aj.Authorized_Date ascending
select aj.Authorization_ID).FirstOrDefault()).DefaultIfEmpty()
join v in leases.tblvVendors on l.Vendor_ID equals v.Vendor_ID into lv
from jlv in lv.DefaultIfEmpty()
join c in leases.tblvCounties on l.County_ID equals c.County_ID into lc
from jlc in lc.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new LeaseViewModel()
Lease_Detail_ID = l.Lease_Detail_ID,
Lease_ID = l.Lease_ID,
XRef_Lease_ID = l.XRef_Lease_ID,
Vendor_Name = jlv.Vendor_Name,
Description = l.Description,
County = jlc.County,
Amount = l.Amount,
Payment_Due_Date = l.Payment_Due_Date,
Lease_Type = l.Lease_Type.ToString(),
Location_ID = l.Location_ID,
Active = l.Active,
Expiration_Date = l.Expiration_Date,
Authorized = jla.Authorized,
Payment_Date = jlp.Payment_Date

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