How to Do a Case Sensitive Search in Where Clause (I'M Using SQL Server)

How to do a case sensitive search in WHERE clause (I'm using SQL Server)?

Can be done via changing the Collation. By default it is case insensitive.

Excerpt from the link:

FROM dbo.Customers
WHERE CustID = @CustID COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
AND CustPassword = @CustPassword COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS

Or, change the columns to be case sensitive.

How can I write a case sensitive WHERE CLAUSE in SQL Server?

Normally SQL Server is not case sensitive. So 'ABC'='abc' is true in a where clause.

To make a where clause case sensitive, you can use COLLATE. Please try the below query instead:

[Address] = UPPER([Address]) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
[Address] = LOWER([Address]) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS

Case insensitive search in Microsoft SQL Server

You can override a COLLATION defined on database or column level in a comparison using the COLLATE keyword:

SELECT ID FROM maj_Users WHERE UserName = 'Mahdi' COLLATE [collation name]

To find collations for case-insensitive Arabic, use the query

select * from fn_helpcollations()
where name like 'Arabic%' and name like '%CI%'

Arabic_CI_AI or Arabic_100_CI_AI seems to be the right choice for you.

How do I perform a case-sensitive search using LIKE?

Try using COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN rather than COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS

SQL server ignore case in a where expression

In the default configuration of a SQL Server database, string comparisons are case-insensitive. If your database overrides this setting (through the use of an alternate collation), then you'll need to specify what sort of collation to use in your query.

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myField = 'sOmeVal' COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

Note that the collation I provided is just an example (though it will more than likely function just fine for you). A more thorough outline of SQL Server collations can be found here.

Is the LIKE operator case-sensitive with SQL Server?

It is not the operator that is case sensitive, it is the column itself.

When a SQL Server installation is performed a default collation is chosen to the instance. Unless explicitly mentioned otherwise (check the collate clause bellow) when a new database is created it inherits the collation from the instance and when a new column is created it inherits the collation from the database it belongs.

A collation like sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as dictates how the content of the column should be treated. CI stands for case insensitive and AS stands for accent sensitive.

A complete list of collations is available at

(a) To check a instance collation

select serverproperty('collation')

(b) To check a database collation

select databasepropertyex('databasename', 'collation') sqlcollation

(c) To create a database using a different collation

create database exampledatabase
collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_cs_as

(d) To create a column using a different collation

create table exampletable (
examplecolumn varchar(10) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as null

(e) To modify a column collation

alter table exampletable
alter column examplecolumn varchar(10) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as null

It is possible to change a instance and database collations but it does not affect previously created objects.

It is also possible to change a column collation on the fly for string comparison, but this is highly unrecommended in a production environment because it is extremely costly.

column1 collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as as column1
from table1

LIKE with case sensitive wildcards

Try this instead:

LIKE '%[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]%' COLLATE Latin1_General_Bin

How can I search (case-insensitive) in a column using LIKE wildcard?

FROM trees
WHERE trees.`title` COLLATE UTF8_GENERAL_CI LIKE '%elm%'

Actually, if you add COLLATE UTF8_GENERAL_CI to your column's definition, you can just omit all these tricks: it will work automatically.


This will also rebuild any indexes on this column so that they could be used for the queries without leading '%'

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