How to Display Oracle Schema Size with SQL Query

Query to find the tables size occupied in GB in Oracle SQL for various SCHEMAS

Here is a fairly accurate query that takes tables, indexes, and any partitioned tables/indexes into account for all tables for a single schema owner. Note that there will be some additional overhead in actual space used due to blocksize, file headers, etc.

  select segment_name
, segment_type
, sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 as GB
from dba_segments ds
owner ='SCOTT'
and (
segment_type like 'TABLE%'
and segment_name in ('EMP', 'SALGRADE', 'EMP_BKP', 'DEPT')
segment_type like 'INDEX%'
and segment_name in (
select index_name from dba_indexes di
where owner ='SCOTT'
and di.table_name in ('EMP', 'SALGRADE', 'EMP_BKP', 'DEPT')
-- more fun here for LOBs, etc.
group by segment_name, segment_type, bytes
order by GB desc;

Take a look at DBA_LOBS for additional criteria to add to the -- more fun here to pick up LOB information.

Compute the Database Schema Size

If this is for Oracle:

Space allocated to tables and indexes:

select owner, segment_type, segment_name, sum(bytes)
from dba_segments
group by owner, segment_type, segment_name;

Free space:

select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name;

Another more detailed query here:

Row Count and Size For Each Table Under Oracle Schema

select     table_name,     num_rows, bytes/1047586 MB
from     dba_tables t
Inner join dba_segments s
On table_name =segment_name and t.owner =s.owner
Where segment_type='TABLE'
And s.owner='schema'

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