How to Convert Visual Foxpro Database into SQL Server Database

How to convert Visual Foxpro database into SQL Server database

Try the following steps:

1.Create ODBC Data Source to DBF file

Sample Image

2.Using SQL Server Import Data Wizard (right click to database in the SSMS)

Sample Image

3.Choose Data provider for ODBC as data source

Sample Image

4.Map and import your data

Sample Image

Select Visual FoxPro Search a dbf meanwhile is connected to an sql database

Your question is not clear. That piece of code you supplied is just a query done against a VFP table\cursor in your local. It has nothing to do with an SQL server query. Here is a sample doing an SQL server query using sample Northwind database:

LOCAL lnHandle, lcCountry
lnHandle = SQLSTRINGCONNECT("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=.;Database=Northwind;Trusted_Connection=yes")

lcCountry = "USA"
SQLEXEC(m.lnHandle, "Select * from Customers where Country = ?m.lcCountry", "crsCustomers")


SELECT crsCustomers

This is an SPT query. There is also CursorAdapter, in which you could use ODBC or OLEDB.

Please explain what you are really asking if that wasn't what you meant.

Add visual fox pro database as a linked server in Microsoft SQL

See: How to add a Visual FoxPro database to SQL Server as a linked server

Free FoxPro DB to SQL Server DB sync tool

Here are a couple links with information that might be of help:

Migrating From Visual FoxPro

VFP conversion to support SQL server Backend

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