How to Add a Space Between Two Text in SQL Code

Combining two fields into a single field with a space between

CONCAT is a SQL Sever 2012 function and does not exists in previous version. If you run the sqlfiddle that sgeddes created, which is setup as MS SQL Sever 2012, the query runs. However, if you change it to MS SQL sever 2008 and rebuild the schema it throws an error. I assume you're not running 2012 because you're getting a concat error.

Wrapping the function in brackets will make it work but I don't see the need.

SOCALNoob hit the nail on the head. The + will combine columns and text together quite nicely. I don't see why the below would not work.

 LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.gpEmployeeList.firstName)) + ' ' + dbo.gpEmployeeList.LASTNAME) AS DisplayName

How to insert a space between two values in MySQL

You literally just need a space between $fname and $lname, like $fname $lname. So, your whole code should look like this:

$new_user= mysqli_query($db,"INSERT INTO userinfo (id,firstname,lastname,email,pass,displayname) VALUES ('','$fname','$lname','$email','$db_pass','$fname $lname')");

Also, as @FreshPrinceOfSO says, you should use prepared statements. You have a potential SQL injection problem right now.

SQL print a space between concat statements

You don't mention what flavor of SQL you're using, but depending, you may need to convert the values to strings first. For SQLSever...

(Cast(NBR as varchar(20)) + ' ' + Cast(ACCT_NBR as varchar(20))) as acct,

SQL add space in column string

What you want is to update your column values with a concatenation of the first part of the name followed by the space ' ', followed by the rest of the name.

UPDATE Customers
SET name = CONCAT(SUBSTRING(name, 1, 5),
' ',
SUBSTRING(name, 6));

How to add a space in one iteration of SQL query without effecting the other in my PHP

Since you're wanting different behavior for one specific condition, it seems like you could just check for that condition on output and modify the text if the condition is met rather than trying to do it in the query.

<?php echo $code[0] == 'TheOne' ? 'The One' : $code[0]; ?>

I may have misunderstood what you meant by "I don't want it to happen for every use", though. I assumed you meant other uses of the same query.

SQL Server 2014: Add space after comma

I'd first replace all instances of , (comma + space) with , (comma, NO space). That way everything is uniform. Then go the other way; replace commas with comma + space

Adding spaces before a value?

You need to apply string concatenation.

For MySQL and MariaDB

SELECT concat('   ', '00:99:88:aa') FROM ...

or in the event of an update

SET value = concat(' ', value)

For SQL Server

SELECT '   ' + '00:99:88:aa' FROM ...

or in the event of an update

SET value = ' ' + value

For MS Access

SELECT '   ' & '00:99:88:aa' FROM ...

or in the event of an update

SET value = ' ' & value

For all the others

SELECT '   ' || '00:99:88:aa' FROM ...

or in the event of an update

SET value = ' ' || value

space between 2 column names with php from sql

  <option value=""  >Valuer of this Property</option>

$res=mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT CONCAT(first,' ',surname) as full_name from listalot_users");
<option><?php echo $row['full_name']; ?></option>



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