Get Month Name from Date in Oracle

Get month name from date in Oracle

select to_char(sysdate, 'Month') from dual

in your example will be:

select to_char(to_date('15-11-2010', 'DD-MM-YYYY'), 'Month') from dual

How to extract month number from date in Oracle

If the value is a number or string then you can convert it to a date with an appropriate mask - which is what you are missing, and what is causing the error you are getting (as it's using your session's NLS_DATE_FORMAT setting, which apparently does not match the format of the data; but which you should not rely on anyway, as @MTO said in comments):


and then extract the month number from that:

select extract(month from to_date(ID_BB_SECURITY, 'YYYYMMDD')) from BT_EXPORT

Or you could just use a substring:

select to_number(substr(ID_BB_SECURITY, 5, 2)) from BT_EXPORT;

Those assume a fixed consistent format, which is always a risky assumption when using the wrong data type. Ans if it's a number they are doing an implicit conversion from number to string, which you could turn into an explicit conversion for greater clarity.

If it's already a date - as it should be, of course - then you don't need the conversion:

select extract(month from ID_BB_SECURITY) from BT_EXPORT

Get month number from month name

Check your oracle language, it seems to be in another.

Because im trying with this code:

select to_char(to_date('ABR 1990','MONTH yyyy'), 'mm') as MONTH from dual;

And i get:


Note: My native language is Spanish.

Get month name from date in Oracle

select to_char(sysdate, 'Month') from dual

in your example will be:

select to_char(to_date('15-11-2010', 'DD-MM-YYYY'), 'Month') from dual

Convert varchar to date in Oracle SQL with month name


        TO_DATE(review_date, 'MONTH DD, 


This will read your data in the given month dd yyyy format and will convert to orackes default date format. You cannot actually modify the default date format using to_date() but can use to_char() to store modified date format as varchar

Extract month and year from date in oracle

If the field is already a date column, you can simply cast it to the format you want:

select ID_NO,CHECKED_DATE,ltrim(TO_CHAR(CHECKED_DATE,'mm-yyyy'),'0') AS A from Doctor_Checkup;

If it is a text column, you will need to cast to a date with format first:

select ID_NO,CHECKED_DATE,ltrim(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(CHECKED_DATE,'dd/mm/yyyy'),'mm-yyyy'),'0') AS A from Doctor_Checkup;

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