Fastest Way to Update 120 Million Records

Fastest way to update 120 Million records

The only sane way to update a table of 120M records is with a SELECT statement that populates a second table. You have to take care when doing this. Instructions below.

Simple Case

For a table w/out a clustered index, during a time w/out concurrent DML:

  • SELECT *, new_col = 1 INTO clone.BaseTable FROM dbo.BaseTable
  • recreate indexes, constraints, etc on new table
  • switch old and new w/ ALTER SCHEMA ... TRANSFER.
  • drop old table

If you can't create a clone schema, a different table name in the same schema will do. Remember to rename all your constraints and triggers (if applicable) after the switch.

Non-simple Case

First, recreate your BaseTable with the same name under a different schema, eg clone.BaseTable. Using a separate schema will simplify the rename process later.

  • Include the clustered index, if applicable. Remember that primary keys and unique constraints may be clustered, but not necessarily so.
  • Include identity columns and computed columns, if applicable.
  • Include your new INT column, wherever it belongs.
  • Do not include any of the following:

    • triggers
    • foreign key constraints
    • non-clustered indexes/primary keys/unique constraints
    • check constraints or default constraints. Defaults don't make much of difference, but we're trying to keep
      things minimal.

Then, test your insert w/ 1000 rows:

-- assuming an IDENTITY column in BaseTable
INSERT clone.BaseTable WITH (TABLOCK) (Col1, Col2, Col3)
SELECT TOP 1000 Col1, Col2, Col3 = -1
FROM dbo.BaseTable

Examine the results. If everything appears in order:

  • truncate the clone table
  • make sure the database in in bulk-logged or simple recovery model
  • perform the full insert.

This will take a while, but not nearly as long as an update. Once it completes, check the data in the clone table to make sure it everything is correct.

Then, recreate all non-clustered primary keys/unique constraints/indexes and foreign key constraints (in that order). Recreate default and check constraints, if applicable. Recreate all triggers. Recreate each constraint, index or trigger in a separate batch. eg:

-- next constraint/index/trigger definition here

Finally, move dbo.BaseTable to a backup schema and clone.BaseTable to the dbo schema (or wherever your table is supposed to live).

-- -- perform first true-up operation here, if necessary
-- EXEC clone.BaseTable_TrueUp
-- GO
-- -- create a backup schema, if necessary
-- CREATE SCHEMA backup_20100914
-- GO
ALTER SCHEMA backup_20100914 TRANSFER dbo.BaseTable
-- -- perform second true-up operation here, if necessary
-- EXEC clone.BaseTable_TrueUp
SELECT ERROR_MESSAGE() -- add more info here if necessary

If you need to free-up disk space, you may drop your original table at this time, though it may be prudent to keep it around a while longer.

Needless to say, this is ideally an offline operation. If you have people modifying data while you perform this operation, you will have to perform a true-up operation with the schema switch. I recommend creating a trigger on dbo.BaseTable to log all DML to a separate table. Enable this trigger before you start the insert. Then in the same transaction that you perform the schema transfer, use the log table to perform a true-up. Test this first on a subset of the data! Deltas are easy to screw up.

Best way to update 40 million rows in batch

Declare @Rowcount INT = 1;

WHILE (@Rowcount > 0)
UPDATE TOP (100000) [table] --<-- define Batch Size in TOP Clause
SET [New_ID] = [Old_ID]
WHERE [New_ID] <> [Old_ID]

SET @Rowcount = @@ROWCOUNT;

CHECKPOINT; --<-- to commit the changes with each batch

How to speed up simple UPDATE query with millions of rows?

In my experience, looping your update so that it acts on small a numbers of rows each iteration is a good way to go. The ideal number of rows to update each iteration is largely dependent on your environment and the tables you're working with. I usually stick around 1,000 - 10,000 rows per iteration.


SET ROWCOUNT 1000 -- Set the batch size (number of rows to affect each time through the loop).

SET NewSourceId = 1
FROM AA..Pub_ArticleFaculty PF WITH (NOLOCK)
ON AAON.OldFullSourceId = PF.SourceId
WHERE NewSourceId IS NULL -- Only update rows that haven't yet been updated.

-- When no rows are affected, we're done!
SET ROWCOUNT 0 -- Reset the batch size to the default (i.e. all rows).

fastest way to get process and upload 42 million rows

There is an Aerospike-loader tool. If you can dump your data in a csv file format, the loader can load the data into aerospike. It can read multiple CSV files in parallel and load the data into aerospike in parallel. In the internal benchmarks, on decent hardware, we could load upto 200,000 records per second. Read the docs & examples for details.

The impact of Availability of data to users while doing large updates on table

It is unclear what you need to do.

  • Replace the entire table -- populate new table, then swap
  • Change one column for all rows -- Sounds like sloppy design. Please elaborate on what you are doing.
  • Change one column for some rows -- ditto.
  • Adding a new column and initializing it -- Consider creating a parallel table, etc. This will have zero blockage but adds some complexity to your code.
  • The values are computed from other columns -- consider a "generated" column. (What version of MySQL are you using?)

Here is a discussion of how to walk through a table using the PRIMARY KEY and have minimal impact on other queries: (It is written with DELETE in mind, but the principle applies to UPDATE, too.)

Table availability

When any operation occurs, the rows involved are "locked" to prevent other queries from modifying them at the same time. ("Locking involves multi-version control, etc, etc.) They need to stay locked until the entire "transaction" is completed. Meanwhile, any changes need to be recorded in case the server crashes or the user decides to "roll back" the changes.

So, if there are millions of rows are being changed, then millions of locks are being held. That takes time.

My blog recommends doing only 1000 rows at a time; this is usually a small enough number to have very little interference with other tasks, yet large enough to get the task finished in a reasonable amount of time.

Stock Split

Assuming the desired query (against a huge table) is something like

SET price = 2 * price
WHERE date < '...'
AND ticker = '...'

You need an index (or possibly the PRIMARY KEY) to be (ticker, date). Most writes are date-oriented, but most reads are ticker-oriented? Given this, the following may be optimal:

PRIMARY KEY(ticker, date),
INDEX(date, ticker)

With that the rows that need modifying by the UPDATE are 'clustered' (consecutive) in the data's BTree. Hence there is some degree of efficiency. If, however, that is not "good enough", then it should be pretty easy to write code something like:

date_a = SELECT MIN(date) FROM t WHERE ticker = ?
date_z = date_a + 1 month
SET price = 2 * price
WHERE date >= ? -- put date_a here
AND date < ? -- put date_z here
AND ticker = '...'
check for deadlock; if found, re-run the UPDATE
set date_a = date_z
exit loop when finished
End Loop

This will be reasonably fast, and have little impact on other queries. However, is someone looks at that ticker over a range of days, the prices may not be consistently updated. (If this concerns you; we can discuss further.)

Update statement running for too long or not

IF you updated 20M rows in one single transaction, then your time was entirely driven by your IO subsystem: what kind of drives you have, what disk files layout etc. If you have 40 spindles in raid 10 with 4 balanced files and a separate similar battery for the log then the result is worryingly slow. If you tested this with one single MDF that shares the spindle with the LDF on a single consumer quality 5000rpm HDD then your time is amazingly fast.

Is there a better way to split work for simple updates?

Use Update Top

You can update data as chunks using a while loop and Update Top option:

WHILE 1 = 1
UPDATE top (1000) tableToUpdate
SET Column1 = 'something new'
Column1 = 'something old';

if @@ROWCOUNT < 1000 BREAK

When @@ROWCOUNT is less than 1000 which is the chunk size it implies that all rows are updated.

Note That, based on the official documentation:

The rows referenced in the TOP expression used with INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE are not arranged in any order.

Update using TOP and Order BY

If you are looking to update sorted data based on a timestamp, in the official documentation they mentioned that:

If you must use TOP to apply updates in a meaningful chronology, you must use TOP together with ORDER BY in a subselect statement.

As Example:

WHILE 1 = 1
UPDATE tableToUpdate
SET Column1 = 'something new'
FROM (SELECT TOP 1000 IDColumn FROM tableToUpdate WHERE tableToUpdate.Column1 = 'something old' ORDER BY TimeStamp DESC) tto
tableToUpdate.ID = tto.ID;

if @@ROWCOUNT < 1000 BREAK

Other helpful links

  • UPDATE (Transact-SQL) - official documentation
  • How can I create a loop on an UPDATE statement that works until there is no row left to update?
  • Fastest way to update 120 Million records
  • How to update large table with millions of rows in SQL Server?
  • Updating rows in a large table in sql server

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