Convert Bigint to Datetime

Convert bigint to datetime

Does this work for you? It returns 30-8-2010 13:21:42 at the moment on SQL Server 2005:

select dateadd(s, convert(bigint, 1283174502729) / 1000, convert(datetime, '1-1-1970 00:00:00'))

I've divided by 1000 because the dateadd function won't work with a number that large. So you do lose a little precision, but it is much simpler to use.

Convert Bigint to Datetime SQL Server

For your example you would need to do something like this.

select convert(datetime, convert(char(8), 20190108))

I can't for the life of me figure out what you are trying to do with your DATEADD logic there.

How can I convert bigint (UNIX timestamp) to datetime in SQL Server?

This worked for me:

dateadd(S, [unixtime], '1970-01-01')
From [Table]

In case any one wonders why 1970-01-01, This is called Epoch time.

Below is a quote from Wikipedia:

The number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970,[1][note 1] not counting leap seconds.

The Year 2038 Problem

Furthermore the DataAdd function takes an int for the seconds to add. So if you are trying to add more than 2147483647 seconds you'll get an arithmetic overflow error. To resolve this issue you can break the addition into two calls to DateAdd one for the years and one for the remaining seconds.

Declare @t as bigint = 4147483645

Select (@t / @oneyear) -- Years to add
Select (@t % @oneyear) -- Remaining seconds to add

-- Get Date given a timestamp @t
Declare @oneyear as int = 31622400
Select DateAdd(SECOND, @t % @oneyear, DateAdd(YEAR, @t / @oneyear, '1970-01-01'))

This will let you convert a timestamp that represents a year greater than 2038.

Conversion of bigint to date only in SQL Server?

You can use CAST to DATE like following.

SELECT Cast(Dateadd(second, Cast(sr.executed_on AS BIGINT) / 1000, '19700101') 
AS ExecutedOn
FROM table1

Converting bigint to datetime in sqlserver

This isn't pretty, but I would CONVERT it to a varchar, inject some of the needed characters, and then CONVERT to a datetime (as you have 5 decimal places, I assume it's actually meant to be a datetime2(5)):

DECLARE @starttime as bigint;
SET @starttime = 2021021209295600000;

SELECT CONVERT(datetime2(5),STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(CONVERT(varchar(20),@starttime),15,0,'.'),13,0,':'),11,0,':'),9,0,'T'),7,0,'-'),5,0,'-'));

Javascript Convert BigInt to Datetime and Format

With that timestamp you could just use regular number, it's size is 15 and with millisecond persision you only use size 13.

Here's some example code that might work for you:

const time = 1630017759934;
const timeInSeconds = Math.floor(time/1000);
const d = new date(timeInSeconds);
const dateFormatted = `${date.getFullYear()}${(date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0')}${date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0')}`;

How to convert BIGINT to DATE in Redshift?

You just want the to_date() part:

select to_date(date_column::text, 'YYYYMMDD')

Explicit conversion of bigint to date

Have you considered using IsDate(MyFieldValue) to check for valid dates, rather than parsing out over several case statements to check for date validity? That may make the process a little cleaner and easier to understand and debug, and may help you get the output you need. I just quick-checked and it works "as is" with values formatted like those you've shared.

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