Concat Function Is Not Working - Invalid Number of Arguments

Concat function is not working - invalid number of arguments


First, the double quotes " are used to enclose identifiers. use single quote ' to wrap a string.

Second, CONCAT accepts two params.

You could nest bunch of concats, but it's easier and cleaner to use concatenation operation ||:

SELECT Name || '('  || SUBSTR(Occupation,1,1) || ')' FROM OCCUPATIONS;

Concat ORA-00909: invalid number of arguments, problem with TO_DATE

Concat takes two parameters. you can use double pipe to concat or call concat twice to concatenate 3 string.

SELECT s.*, 'TO_DATE(' || s.created || ',''DD.MM.RRRR'')' AS CREATED FROM SHIPMENT s



Getting error ORA-00909: invalid number of arguments

The Oracle CONCAT function only takes two, not three or more, parameters. Instead of using CONCAT, just use the concatenation operator:

CREATE VIEW ITCC.release_testcase_count AS (
SELECT rtm.requirement_id || '-' || tct.release_id AS id,

Or, if you really want to use CONCAT here, then you may chain them together:

CREATE VIEW ITCC.release_testcase_count AS (
SELECT CONCAT(rtm.requirement_id, CONCAT('-', tct.release_id)) AS id,

Error Message : ORA-00909: invalid number of arguments

CONCAT in Oracle DB can only handle 2 Parameter. You can use nested concatstatements:

 CONCAT ('first_name' , CONCAT ('last_name'  , 'phone'))

or the concat operator ||

'first_name' || 'last_name' || 'phone'

Why nvl doesn't work inside concat function in oracle?

Oracle's CONCAT function accepts only 2 arguments.

But there is the concat operator, ||, which does what you want:

SELECT NVL(ID,'null') || ',' || NVL(NAME,'null') || ',' || NVL(ROLL_NO,'null') 

How to fix oracle PL/SQL: ORA-00909: invalid number of argumentsCompilation failed,line 8 (13:53:12)

Oracle's concat() function only takes two arguments. You could nest calls:

SELECT concat(concat(concat(....

but that gets messy and hard to manage. it's simpler to user the concatenation operator ||:

SELECT 'New Commission amount of ' || ID || ' is ' || commission_amount
|| ' dollars, is equal to ' || commission_amount || '% of the total sale amount of '
|| Sales_Amount || ' dollars.'

Your % looks like it should be a calculation, incidentally.

However, in Oracle you have to select from something, which in this case could be the table you just updated if your where condition identifies a single row; though a condition based on the number of days between two dates doesn't seem likely to do that - maybe that should be looking for matching start and end dates, rather than the size of the range? Then it might be unique. But in PL/SQL you also have to select into something such as a local variable or OUT parameter.

You could perhaps use the returning into clause in your update statement instead.

It isn't clear what you expect to happen to that generated string though.

Oracle SQL Error : 00909. 00000 - invalid number of arguments in SELECT subquery

There is a problem with concat as it takes two parameters and You are passing only one parameter. Concat is not required at all in your solution:




Also, you need more columns in GROUP BY as select can not use columns directly which are not in GROUP BY clause or you can use aggregate function.

SQL String Concatenations

Oracle's CONCAT function takes only two arguments. As a clean workaround, you may use the || ANSI concatenation operator instead:

SELECT Name || '(' || SUBSTR(Occupation, 1, 1) || ')'

You could also use CONCAT with many nested calls:

SELECT CONCAT(Name, CONCAT('(', CONCAT(SUBSTR(Occupation, 1, 1), ')')))

But, I prefer the || version above.

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