Checking a Column If It Contains a Row Value

If Column Contains String then enter value for that row

We can use grepl to return a logical index by matching the 'D' in the 'A' column, and then with ifelse, change the logical vector to 'yes' and 'no'

df$C <- ifelse(grepl("D", df$A), "yes", "no")

check if row value value is equal to column name and access the value of the column

Use DataFrame.melt for alternative for lookup:

df1 = df.melt('colfromvaluestobepicked', ignore_index=False)

df['new']=df1.loc[df1['colfromvaluestobepicked'].str.strip("'") == df1['variable'],'value']

If statement that checking value in current row and column

If you want to check each row of the column to make after this some #code:

for row in df.iterrows():
if t==row['A']:

If you only want to know in which rows of df['A'] the value of the element is t:

df.loc[df['A']==t, 'A']




Check if it works for you:


If a dataframe contains a value in a column, how to perform a calculation in another column? - Pandas/ Python

You could check if column "A" values are 123 or not and use mask on "C" to replace values there:

df['C'] = df['C'].mask(df['A']==123, df['B']*0.0008)


     A     B    C
0 123 1500 1.2

Check if row has particular value in R

We can change the select subset of data to a logical matrix with ==, then apply the rowSums on the matrix, and check if the row wise sum is greater than 0

rowSums(select(., starts_with('type')) ==1, na.rm = TRUE) > 0

In addition to the above, it can be done using if_any

if_any(starts_with('type'), ~. == 1)

Check if column contains (/,-,_, *or~) and split in another column - Pandas

Use Series.str.split with list of possible separators and create new DataFrame:

import re

L = ['-','/','*','~','_','^', '.']

#some values like `^.` are escape
pat = '|'.join(re.escape(x) for x in L)
df = df['column_name'].str.split(pat, expand=True).add_prefix('num')
print (df)
num0 num1 num2
0 152 6 3
1 163 1 6
2 145 1 None
3 163 6 3

EDIT: If need match values before value use:

L = ["\-_",'\^|\*','~','/']

for val in L:
df[f'before {val}'] = df['column_name'].str.extract(rf'(\d+){[val]}')

#for last value not exist separator, so match $ for end of string
df['last'] = df['column_name'].str.extract(rf'(\d+)$')
print (df)
column_name before \-_ before \^|\* before ~ before / last
0 152/2~3_4*5 3 4 2 152 5
1 152/2~3-4^5 4 4 2 152 5
2 152/6*3 NaN 6 NaN 152 3
3 163/1-6 NaN NaN NaN 163 6
4 145/1 NaN NaN NaN 145 1
5 163/6^3 6 6 NaN 163 3

Check if columns have a nan value if certain column has a specific value in Dataframe

so you have an if-elif-else situation. Then we can use for it. It needs the conditions and what to do when they are satisfied:

  • your if is:    "condition is 1 and a,b,c has all nan"
  • your elif is: "condition is nan"
  • what remains is else, as usual
conditions = [df.condition.eq(1) & df[["a", "b", "c"]].isna().all(axis=1),

what_to_do = ["O", "-"]
else_case = "X"

df["check_result"] =, what_to_do, default=else_case)

   condition    a    b    c check_result
0 1.0 NaN NaN 3.0 X
1 NaN 4.0 2 2.0 -
2 NaN 5.0 e 1.0 -
3 NaN 6.0 2 2.0 -
4 1.0 NaN NaN NaN O

So we don't write else's condition. It goes to default.

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