Aggregate String Concatenation in Oracle 10G

string aggregation in Oracle 10g

You could try the collect function:

Some other tricks are here:

...If you actually mean concatenation instead of aggregation then take everyone else's advice and use the || operator between the two strings:

select 'abc'||'def' from dual;

How to aggregate and string concatenate at same time in Oracle?

Would this do?

SQL> with test (customer, product, amount) as
2 (select 'a', 'table', 500 from dual union all
3 select 'a', 'table', 300 from dual union all
4 select 'a', 'chair', 100 from dual union all
5 select 'b', 'rug' , 50 from dual union all
6 select 'b', 'chair', 200 from dual
7 )
8 select customer,
9 listagg (product, ', ') within group (order by null) product,
10 sum(sum_amount) amount
11 from (select customer, product, sum(amount) sum_amount
12 from test
13 group by customer, product
14 )
15 group by customer
16 order by customer;

- -------------------- ----------
a chair, table 900
b chair, rug 250


String Aggregation in Oracle: Multiple Rows into Single Column

You have to escape the single-quotes

SELECT STRING_AGGREGATE('select ename||'' Job is ''||Job from emp') ENAMES FROM DUAL;

You can try out out how you pass the string to the function like this

SELECT 'select ename||'' Job is ''||Job from emp' FROM DUAL;

which gives you

select ename||' Job is '||Job from emp

See the demo:!2/d41d8/23283

(By the way. There is a new feature LISTAGG since Oracle 11g which you may also want to have a look at.)

SQL Query to concatenate column values from multiple rows in Oracle

There are a few ways depending on what version you have - see the oracle documentation on string aggregation techniques. A very common one is to use LISTAGG:

SELECT pid, LISTAGG(Desc, ' ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY seq) AS description

Then join to A to pick out the pids you want.

Note: Out of the box, LISTAGG only works correctly with VARCHAR2 columns.

Concatenate and group multiple rows in Oracle

Consider using LISTAGG function in case you're on 11g:

select grp, listagg(name,',') within group( order by name ) 
from name_table group by grp


upd: In case you're not, consider using analytics:

select grp,
(name, ',' )), ',')
from (select name, grp,
row_number() over
(partition by grp
order by name) rn
from tab
start with rn = 1
connect by prior rn = rn-1
and prior grp = grp
group by grp
order by grp


Ordering the strings while concatenating in oracle

to get an ordered list, there's a few ways. the simplest is :

select id, str
from (select id,
wm_concat('level : ' || to_char(nvl(eventDate,SYSDATE - 365 * 100)))
over (partition by id order by eventdate) str,
row_number() over (partition by id order by eventdate desc) rn
from Mytable)
where rn = 1;

or if you're using the "stragg" user defined aggregate:

  select id, str
from (select id,
string_agg('level : ' || to_char(nvl(eventDate,SYSDATE - 365 * 100)))
over (partition by id order by eventdate) str,
row_number() over (partition by id order by eventdate desc) rn
from Mytable)
where rn = 1;


SQL> select id, str
2 from (select id,
3 string_agg('level : ' || to_char(nvl(eventDate,SYSDATE - 365 * 100)))
4 over (partition by id order by eventdate) str,
5 row_number() over (partition by id order by eventdate desc) rn
6 from Mytable)
7 where rn = 1;

---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1 level : 27-MAR-08,level : 27-JAN-09,level : 02-APR-10
2 level : 07-JUN-06,level : 02-NOV-08,level : 27-DEC-08
3 level : 27-MAR-06,level : 02-APR-10,level : 27-JUL-10

Concatenate results from a SQL query in Oracle

-- Oracle 10g --

SELECT deptno, WM_CONCAT(ename) AS employees
FROM scott.emp
GROUP BY deptno;


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