Access to Result Sets from Within Stored Procedures Transact-SQL SQL Server

Access to Result sets from within Stored procedures Transact-SQL SQL Server

The short answer is: you can't do it.

From T-SQL there is no way to access multiple results of a nested stored procedure call, without changing the stored procedure as others have suggested.

To be complete, if the procedure were returning a single result, you could insert it into a temp table or table variable with the following syntax:

INSERT INTO #Table (...columns...)
EXEC MySproc ...parameters...

You can use the same syntax for a procedure that returns multiple results, but it will only process the first result, the rest will be discarded.

Retrieve data from stored procedure which has multiple result sets

It seems like there's no good simple way to do this, without a hack or a major paradigm shift. It looks like the best way is to just split out the original procs and end up with one more proc than before:

Old way:

create procedure dbo.GetSomething
select * from dbo.Person;
select * from dbo.Car;

New way:

create procedure dbo.GetPeople
select * from dbo.Person;

create procedure dbo.GetCars
select * from dbo.Car;

-- This gives the same result as before
create procedure dbo.GetSomething
exec dbo.GetPeople;
exec dbo.GetCars;

Then when I'm in a different proc and need both result sets, I'd just have to call them one at a time.

TSQL openquery with different result sets

You may be able to use a TRY/CATCH, TRY one ResultSet, CATCH the other;

How to SELECT FROM stored procedure

You can use a User-defined function or a view instead of a procedure.

A procedure can return multiple result sets, each with its own schema. It's not suitable for using in a SELECT statement.

Best way/practices to generate multiple result sets in stored procedure to different tabs in Excel

In the stored procedure give same column names to all the select statements and use UNION between them and then have an additional column to each select statement to identify which table the data is coming from, ideally use table name.

Then call the stored procedure into a main tab once and then reference that data into other tabs and filter them.

Execute Stored Procedure with multiple result sets

Solution Overview

I made 2 Experiments on that issue, the first experiments showed that in case of stored procedures with no parameters, nothing changed in SQL Server 2016 and SSIS 2016, the first Result Set is returned and others are ignored.

The second experiment showed that when using parameters, this will throw an exception, so you have to define metadata using WITH RESULT SETS option, then remove this option.

Detailed Solution

Experiment 1

The following experiment are made using SQL Server 2016 and Visual Studio 2015 with SSDT 2016

  1. First i created this stored procedure




    SELECT TOP 10 PersonType,NameStyle,Title
    FROM [AdventureWorks2016CTP3].[Person].[Person]

    SELECT TOP 10 PersonType,Firstname,Lastname
    FROM [AdventureWorks2016CTP3].[Person].[Person_json]
  2. Then i added a Data flow task to SSIS package
  3. Added an OLEDB Source, Recordset destination
  4. In OLEDB source i select the Data access mode to SQL command
  5. an use the following commnad

    EXEC sp_Test

Sample Image

  1. When clicking on Columns Tab it shows the first ResultSet structure

Sample Image

  1. And we i executed the package it runs succesfully

Sample Image

Experiment 2

I changed the stored procedures to the following:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Test]

@param1 varchar(10),
@param2 varchar(10),
@param3 varchar(10)


SELECT TOP 10 PersonType,NameStyle,Title ,@param2 as 'Param'
FROM [AdventureWorks2016CTP3].[Person].[Person]

SELECT TOP 10 PersonType,Firstname,Lastname,@param3 as 'Param'
FROM [AdventureWorks2016CTP3].[Person].[Person_json]

And i used the following SQL Command in the OLEDB Source:

EXEC sp_Test ?,?,?

PersonType NVarchar(10),
NameStyle NVarchar(10),
Title NVarchar(10),
Param Varchar(10)

And i mapped the parameters correctly.

Sample Image

Sample Image

When running the package it throws the following exception.

[OLE DB Source 2] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E14.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0" Hresult: 0x80040E14 Description: "EXECUTE statement failed because its WITH RESULT SETS clause specified 1 result set(s), and the statement tried to send more result sets than this.".

After that i tried to remove the With RESULT SETS option, so the command is :

EXEC sp_Test ?,?,?

I tried to execute the package again, so it is executed with no errors.


Try to use the WITH RESULT SETs option to define the OLEDB Source metadata, after that the metadata is defined, just remove this option and run the package, so it will just take the first Result Set succesfully.

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