Run Ruby from Emacs Buffer

run ruby from emacs buffer

You can do this with inf-ruby.el.

With inf-ruby installed, M-x inf-ruby starts a new ruby interpreter in the background, to which you can send code using the ruby-send-* commands, such as ruby-send-region (bound by default to C-c C-r). To send the whole buffer, select all with C-x h then hit C-c C-r.

Update, 2011-09-02: The latest version of inf-ruby.el (2.1.1, available in ELPA) is that maintained by 'nonsequitur' on github, and snapshot packages are available in Melpa.

emacs inf-ruby run ruby buffer with argument?

The short answer: instead of M-x run-ruby, call it with a prefix arg like so: C-u M-x run-ruby. This will allow you to edit the command line.

The long answer: don't. Instead re-structure your code so that you can test / call all the functionality without relying on parsing the command line arguments. Then do some simple tests from the command line whether your argument parsing works out okay.

Ruby-mode in Emacs in short-cut key for compile/run?

I suggest using quickrun.el which is maintenanced by me.

quickrun.el is a extension to execute editing buffer.
quickrun.el supports many programming languages and markup languages, of course
it supports Ruby.

You download quickrun.el following URL.

And you add quickrun.el following setting to your configuration file and evaluate it(or restart Emacs).

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/elisp") ;; If you install quickrun.el to ~/.emacs.d/elisp
(require 'quickrun)

Now you can use following command to execute current buffer.

M-x quickrun

You can use compile current buffer(not execute).

M-x quickrun-compile-only

If you will often use quickrun command, you should assign key bindings, like following.

(global-set-key (kbd "<f7>") 'quickrun)
(global-set-key (kbd "<f8>") 'quickrun-compile-only)

Please see github page, if you know more information about quickrun.el.


Running irb in emacs (via run-ruby) echos everything I type

The inferior Ruby mode is built on top of comint-mode.

I noticed that there was a comint variable named comint-process-echoes.

I set this variable to t (true) and the echoing stopped.

Here's how I set the variable:

;;; Define Ruby Mode Hook
(defun my-ruby-mode-hook ()
(setq comint-process-echoes t)

;;; Register Ruby Mode Hook
(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook 'my-ruby-mode-hook)

In Emacs irb (inferior-ruby-mode), how to make Autocomplete honor words from Ruby mode buffers?

look to ac-source-words-in-same-mode-buffers... We can re-use this approach to build our own completion sources, for example:

 (ac-define-source words-in-ruby-buffers
'((init . ac-update-word-index)
(candidates . (ac-word-candidates
(lambda (buffer)
(eq (buffer-local-value 'major-mode buffer) 'ruby-mode))))))

will give us ac-source-words-in-ruby-buffers completion source.

P.S. I hadn't tested it, but it should work ;-)

Ruby on Emacs Package Installation

electric-indent-mode is a global minor mode (i.e. it applies to all buffers in all modes), so just enable it once in your .emacs, no need to play around with hooks.

Setting up .emacs file for mac ruby development

Put the line (warn "Loading .emacs") as the first line of .emacs. When you start emacs does it show you that message in a warning buffer? If so, it at least started loading the file.

If this does nothing, try opening the file in emacs, and running M-x eval-buffer.

Also, at startup, does the Messages buffer indicate any errors in your .emacs? This is the most common reason for a .emacs not to take effect.

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