Remote Form_Tag in Rails3 Without a Named Route

remote form_tag in rails3 without a named route

The only way I found to do it is to wrap the url parameters in the url_for method.

form_tag url_for(:action => :create, :id =>, :remote => true do 

However, if you need to the pass the method parameter you might need to wrap that and the remote in parentheses.

Rails form_tag routing to non-Restful action without including name of action in url on the browser

@Margo thx again for I've taken your inputs. I figured out why form went to destroy instead of going to update. Actually there was a button_to for deleting attachment and as soon as I changed to link_to the form went to the right controller method.And I never suspected an innocuous looking button which was not 'form Submit'-button, was the culprit!

Here's the solution: routes.rb

resources :cv_attachments, only: [:index, :show, :create, :new, :destroy] do
collection do
put 'update_multiple'


index.html--only giving part of form

<% @cv_attachments.each do |cv_attachment| %>
<% if cv_attachment.main %>
<%= hidden_field_tag "ex_main", %>
<% end %>
<td><%= radio_button_tag "new_main",, cv_attachment.main, :id => "#{}"%> </td>
<td><%= cv_attachment.attachment.file.basename %></td>
<td><%= cv_attachment.posting_date %></td>
<td><%= link_to "Delete", user_cv_attachment_path(current_user, cv_attachment), method: "delete", data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' }, class: "btn btn-danger btn-outline btn-md" %></td>
<% end %>


def update_multiple
if request.put?
if params["ex_main"] != params["new_main"]

Rails 3.0 form_tag Routing

You can add resources route for sessions:

resoures :sessions

and fix form:

 = form_tag sessions_path do

Remember rename you login action in sessions controller to new


or you can add named route for 'session/login'

match 'session/login' => 'session#login', :as => :new_session

and use:

= form_tag new_session_path do

rails3 form_tag

Your partial must be rendered inside the form_tag to be a part of the form.

remote form_tag rails3

Look at your params:

Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"1zJCwY0sXb4TaTpO2d+MLox2CHk1sBpho/JR4oH18sw=", "bgUploaderFieldName"=>"", "promotion_id"=>"{:value=>2}", "commit"=>"Add multiple", "method"=>"post"}

You don't have a key named :csv_upload but that's what you're using to set the attributes in your #create action

You should be using form_for:

<%= form_for @csv_upload, :remote => true do |f| %>

<%= f.text_field :bgUploaderFieldName %>


<% end %>

or... at the very least, you should give the tags their proper name:

= form_tag csv_uploads_path(:method=> :post), :remote => true, :disable_with => 'Adding multiple...' do
= text_field :csv_upload, "bgUploaderFieldName", "", :id => "bgUploaderField", :readonly => "true"
= hidden_field :csv_upload, :promotion_id, :value => unless @promotion.nil?
= submit_tag 'Add multiple'

Rails form_tag redirect route error

I think this is a case of using GET for the route and POST upon form submission.
If you run rake routes you should see the route is a GET, right? When a form submits it makes a POST request. Either make the form_tag like this:

form_tag({:controller => "admins", :action => "check_in"}, :method => "get")

or change the route to POST in the routes.rb file like so:

post "admins/check_in" => "admins#check_in"

You can see, when you start rails with rails s in the terminal, what kind of request it receives by reading the request log as it comes in.

Hope that helps, otherwise:


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