Rails - the System Cannot Find the Path Specified

Rails - The system cannot find the path specified

Go into C:\RailsInstaller\Ruby2.2.0. In some of the .bat files, you'll find the following:

IF NOT "%~f0" == "~f0" GOTO :WinNT
@"C:\Users\emachnic\GitRepos\railsinstaller-windows\stage\Ruby2.2.0\bin\ruby.exe" "C:/Users/emachnic/GitRepos/railsinstaller-windows/stage/Ruby2.2.0/bin/tilt" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
@"C:\Users\emachnic\GitRepos\railsinstaller-windows\stage\Ruby2.2.0\bin\ruby.exe" "%~dpn0" %*

Delete that and paste in the text below:

IF NOT "%~f0" == "~f0" GOTO :WinNT
ECHO.This version of Ruby has not been built with support for Windows 95/98/Me.
@"%~dp0ruby.exe" "%~dpn0" %*

The system cannot find the path specified after reinstalling RoR

The rails.bat file contained a wrong path. @"C:\Users\emachnic\GitRepos\railsinstaller-windows\stage\Ruby2.2.0\bin\ruby.exe" Maybe it is one of the developers that worked on this.

A temporary fix is to change the rails.bat file as the below code:

IF NOT "%~f0" == "~f0" GOTO :WinNT
ECHO.This version of Ruby has not been built with support for Windows 95/98/Me.
@"%~dp0ruby.exe" "%~dpn0" %*

The system cannot find the path specified, whenever gem

Given the directory paths showing in your error output it appears that you are running on Windows. The problem is that the whenever gem is a wrapper for the unix/linux command 'cron' which doesn't exist on Windows. See this answer for more details.

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