Rails Sends 0 Byte Files Using Send_File

Rails sends 0 byte files using send_file

send_file has :x_sendfile param which defaults to true in Rails 3.
This feature offloads streaming download to front server - Apache (with mod_xsendfile) or lighttpd, by returning empty response with X-Sendfile header with path.

Nginx uses X-Accel-Redirect header for same functionality but you have to
configure Rails properly in proper environment file:

config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect'

Rails 3 update: this line already exists in production.rb, just uncomment it.

Add sendfile on; to your nginx config to utilize header sent by Rails.
Remember the absolute path must be used and nginx must have read access to file.

Another way for aliased files:

For better security I use aliases in nginx instead of absolute paths,
however send_file method checks existence of file which fails with alias.
Thus I changed my action to:

'X-Accel-Redirect'=> file_item.location,
'Content-Type' => file_item.content_type,
'Content-Disposition' => "attachment; filename=\"#{file_item.name}\"");
render :nothing => true;

rails send_file and send_data sends out zero byte files

Try sending a simple file to see if it works

send_file '/path/to.jpeg', :type => 'image/jpeg', :disposition => 'inline'

Read this thread, I think it has everything you need.

Rails 3, apache & passenger, send_file sends zero byte files

I believe the previous answer isn't the right way to go because, as far as I can tell, Apache isn't handling the downloads at all when this solution is applied, instead the rails process is. That's why the nginx directive, which shouldn't work, appears to. You get the same result by commenting out the config directive.

Another drawback (aside from tying up a rails process for too long) is that when the data streaming is handled by the rails process the response doesn't seem to send the content length header. So a user doesn't know how large the file they're downloading is, nor how long it will take (a usability problem).

I was able to get it to work by ensuring that mod_sendfile was properly included and loaded in my apache config, like so (this will be dependent on your apache install, etc.):

LoadModule xsendfile_module   /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/mod_xsendfile.so

# enable mod_x_sendfile for offloading zip file downloads from rails
XSendFile on
XSendFilePath /

What happend after send_file in Rails controller?

The send_file is a render itself. You could use the approach proposed in this question:

Rails: send_file never renders page or DoubleRender error

Basically your download link will send to a "success" view, from which you call the download file method automatically.

send_file just sends an empty file

Problem saved, but I don't know why

File.open(file_path, 'r') do |f|
send_data f.read, :type => "text/xml", :filename => "10.xml"

send_data is working... but send_file not!

Ruby on rails : send_file returns a page full of bytes

Well, the answer is simple : juste change get in post in routes.rb and add method: 'post' to the link...

Rails send_file not sending data when called through a web service

It was not a problem with send_file. It was how the .NET web service was programmed. It was expecting content length.

There is a change (between Rails 2 & Rails3) in the default behaviour when sending content. Now it is chunked content - so there can not be a content length.

The .NET guy changed the code and everything is now working fine! Hope this would help somebody.

Send_file download and inline

The main problem is that you would need two separate requests to do this. A possible solution could be that you render the inline PDF in a browser iframe and at the same time start a javascript request to which the server responds with send_file or send_data. The user only has to click once, but there are two requests made to the server, one renders the file as a download, the other sends it as an inline file.

The only caveat I can think of here is that a browser that doesn't support inline rendering of PDF files would start downloading the PDF twice. You'd have to find some way to check for this.

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