Rails Routing: Giving Default Values for Path Helpers

Rails routing: Giving default values for path helpers

I think you will want to do something like this:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

def url_options
{ :current_brand => @current_brand }.merge(super)


This method is called automatically every time url is constructed and it's result is merged into the parameters.

For more info on this, look at: default_url_options and rails 3

Using defaults values for scoped route in Rails 4 always overrides default_url_options

Setting the default region that way doesn't appear to work; however, according to the Guides, it should:


Why not drop the default if nil is an acceptable value?


scope "(:region)", region: /en|se|dk|no|ww/ do
resources :blogs

As a workaround, you could set a default region like so:


def default_url_options(options={})
{ region: params[:region] || "ww" }


Without a default region:


scope "(:region)", region: /en|se|dk|no/ do
resources :blogs do
resources :posts


def default_url_options(options={})
{ region: params[:region] }

In your view:

<% @blog.posts.each do |post|
<%= link_to post.title, blog_post_path(@blog, post) %>
<% end %>

URL when no region is specified:


URL when en region is specified:


Update #2:

Ok, I was able to reproduce your failing test. This is caused by a Rails bug and it's the same one you mentioned in your question. You can read more about the issue and some workarounds here:


To get your tests passing, one approach is to initialize the region option in default_url_options using a before(:all) block. Try adding the following to your RSpec configuration:


RSpec.configure do |config|
config.before(:each) do
default_url_options[:region] = nil

You'll probably want to restrict that block to feature and controller group types.

Hope that helps.

Rails: routing and path helpers

You may have plurals turned off, but this only affects the table names in the database, not how Rails handles routes.

Because the search route belongs to a collection, not a member, it acts on multiple model objects. Therefore, the route should be search_qtl_tables_path, note plural tables.

qtl_table is a model, and you want to search a collection of them, so it make senses that the route reads like "search multiple records".

edit: My main concern is that your rake routes shouldn't be showing those qtl_table routes twice. Are you repeating yourself somewhere in routes.rb?

OK, so you've deleted the extra routes. Now, this should work...

<%= form_tag search_qtl_table_index_path, :method => 'get' do %>

default_url_options and rails 3

To set url options for current request use something like this in your controller:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

def url_options
{ :profile => current_profile }.merge(super)


Now, :profile => current_profile will be automerge to path/url parameters.

Example routing:

scope ":profile" do
resources :comments

Just write:


and if current_profile has set to_param to 'lucas':


helper path generated by Rails based on a custom REST method fails

As posted in the description, here is the "usage".

# GET /reso
def show
@reset_path = "foo_reso"
end # show

However, all the above is doing is just setting the @reset_path instance variable into a literal string `"foo_reso" (which coincidentally matches the old route)

What the poster really wants is :

 @reset_path = foo_reso_path

which will generate the right path /reso/foo into the instance variable @reset_path

Sidenote: The poster has done all the right things here to debug route problems. Most of the time, you can trust rake routes. Checking that one can access the route directly is good, and so is checking the usage of the route helper is correct too is crucial

Rails routes with :name instead of :id url parameters


The bottom line is you're looking at the wrong solution - the params hash keys are rather irrelevant, you need to be able to use the data contained inside them more effectively.

Your routes will be constructed as:

resources :controller #-> domain.com/controller/:id

This means if you request this route: domain.com/controller/your_resource, the params[:id] hash value will be your_resource (doesn't matter if it's called params[:name] or params[:id])



The reason you have several answers recommending friendly_id is because this overrides the find method of ActiveRecord, allowing you to use a slug in your query:

Class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :name, use: [:slugged, :finders]

This allows you to do this:

def show
@model = Model.find params[:id] #-> this can be the "name" of your record, or "id"

url_for and route defaults in Rails 3

'resources' line should already provide you with the routes you probably want so you can just remove first 'match' line.

Note that you can also use 'teams_path', 'team_path("cleveland-indians")' instead of 'url_for'.

What does default: { action: 'method' } do in rails routes?


if we would have

resources :assesments, defaults: { format: 'jpg' }, default: { format: 'xml'}

and we would visit localhost/assessments than params hash would look like:

"format"=>"jpg", # FROM defaults: {}
"default"=> { "format"=>"xml" }, # FROM default: {}
"controller"=>"assesments", WE CAN NOT CHANGE IT. COMES FROM RAILS

--- more

defaults: { anything_key: 'any_value' } will add hash content to params hash accessible inside controller (however you can not override values provided by controller - that is: :action and :controller).

Adding defaults: { action: :anything } will not have any effect but adding defaults: { format: 'jpg' } will add { format: 'jpg' } to params hash inside all controllers wrapped by routing scope.

Adding default: { some_key: 'value' } will add this hash (default: { some_key: 'value' }) to every params hash inside controllers wrapped by routing scope.

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