Rails Model Without Database

Rails model without database

I think the blog post you are linking is the best way to go. I would only suggest moving the stubbed out methods into a module not to pollute your code.

Active Record without database

Take a look at ActiveModel. That's what AR uses under the hood.

Set non-database attribute for rails model without `attr_accessor`

This is expected because it's how ActiveRecord works by design. If you need to set arbitrary attributes, then you have to use a different kind of objects.

For example, Ruby provides a library called OpenStruct that allows you to create objects where you can assign arbitrary key/values. You may want to use such library and then convert the object into a corresponding ActiveRecord instance only if/when you need to save to the database.

Don't try to model ActiveRecord to behave as you just described because it was simply not designed to behave in that way. That would be a cargo culting error from your current PHP knowledge.

Use Rails model without database interaction

Look into ActiveModel

E.g. specifically for validations (taken from the above docs)

class Person
include ActiveModel::Validations

attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name

validates_each :first_name, :last_name do |record, attr, value|
record.errors.add attr, 'starts with z.' if value.to_s[0] == ?z

person = Person.new
person.first_name = 'zoolander'
person.valid? # => false

Adding fields to a Rails model without saving them in the database in Rails

If you want to read and write the accessors use attr_accessor:

class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :duration, :datatime

You do not need to include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods to utilize attr_accessor.

To include the accessors in the JSON tell render to include them:

render json: events, methods: [:duration, :datatime]

Rails 4 - Validate Model without a database

you have to declare them as attributes.

attr_accessor :name, email, :phone, :comment

Existing Rails model without fetching it from the database

I solved the problem by doing the following.

  1. Create a new model class which extends the model class that I want to have cached into memory.

  2. Set the table_name of the new class to the same one as the parent class.

  3. Create a new initialize method, call the super method in it, and then allow a parameter of that method to allow for a hash variable containing all the properties of the parent class.

  4. Overload the method new_record? and set that to false so that the associations work.

Here's my code:

class Session < User

self.table_name = 'users'

METHODS = [:id, :username] # all the columns that you wish to have in the memory hash
METHODS.each do |method|
attr_accessor method

def initialize(data)

if data.is_a?(User)
user = data
data = {}
METHODS.each do |key|
data[key] = user.send(key)
data = JSON.parse(data)

data.each do |key,value|
key = key.to_s

def new_record?


ActiveRecord::Base Without Table

This is an approach I have used in the past:

In app/models/tableless.rb

class Tableless < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.columns
@columns ||= [];

def self.column(name, sql_type = nil, default = nil, null = true)
columns << ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column.new(name.to_s, default,
sql_type.to_s, null)

# Override the save method to prevent exceptions.
def save(validate = true)
validate ? valid? : true

In app/models/foo.rb

class Foo < Tableless
column :bar, :string
validates_presence_of :bar

In script/console

Loading development environment (Rails 2.2.2)
>> foo = Foo.new
=> #<Foo bar: nil>
>> foo.valid?
=> false
>> foo.errors
=> #<ActiveRecord::Errors:0x235b270 @errors={"bar"=>["can't be blank"]}, @base=#<Foo bar: nil>>

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