In Ruby, Should I Use ||= or If Defined? for Memoization

In Ruby, should I use ||= or if defined? for memoization?

Be careful: x ||= y assigns x = y if x returns false. That may mean that x is undefined, nil, or false.

There are many times variables will be defined and false, though perhaps not in the context of the @current_user_session instance variable.

If you desire conciseness, try the conditional construct:

defined?(@current_user_session) ?
@current_user_session : @current_user_session = UserSession.find

or just:

defined?(@current_user_session) || @current_user_session = UserSession.find

if you just need to initialize the variable.

When to use memoization in Ruby on Rails

I think many Rails developers don't fully understand what memoization does and how it works. I've seen it applied to methods that return lazy loaded collections (like a Sequel dataset), or applied to methods that take no arguments but calculate something based on instance variables. In the first case the memoization is nothing but overhead, and in the second it's a source of nasty and hard to track down bugs.

I would not apply memoization if

  • the returned value is merely slightly expensive to calculate. It would have to be very expensive, and not further optimizable, for it to be worth memoization.
  • the returned value is or could be lazy loaded
  • the method is not a pure function, i.e. it is guaranteed to return exactly the same value for the same arguments -- and only uses the arguments to do it's work, or other pure functions. Using instance variables or calling methods that in turn uses instance variables means that the method could return different results for the same arguments.

There are other situations too where memoization isn't appropriate, such as the one in the question and the answers above, but these are three that I think aren't as obvious.

The last item is probably the most important: memoization caches a result based on the arguments to the method, if the method looks like this it cannot be memoized:

def unmemoizable1(name)
"%s was here %s" % name,'%Y-%m-%d')

def unmemoizable2

Both can, however, be rewritten to take advantage of memoization (although in these two cases it should obviously not be done for other reasons):

def unmemoizable1(name)

def memoizable1(name, time)
"#{name} was here #{time}"
memoize :memoizable1

def unmemoizable2

def memoizable2(size)
memoize :memoizable2

(assuming that find_by_shoe_size didn't have, or relied on, any side effects)

The trick is to extract a pure function from the method and apply memoization to that instead.

What is the reason to use ||= instead of = in model to define a constant

||= is used as a cheap way to memoize the value, as the other posters mention. However...

Why memoize a constant?

The author is most likely protecting against warnings when loading that source file multiple times. (warning: already initialized constant VALID_VIDEO_HOSTS)

ruby memoization, efficiency

Your example

@value ||= calculate_value

is equivalent to

@value || @value = calculate_value

and is not equivalent to

@value = @value || calculate_value

Therefore the answer is: It is very efficient. It is not re-assigned each time.

What are the drawbacks of using ||= syntax to perform memoization

Well, the biggest reason I'm aware of is that you can't memoize nil or false values like that.

Is there a convention for memoization in a method call?

I would do it like this:

def filesize
@filesize ||= calculate_filesize


def calculate_filesize
# ...

So I'd just name the method differently, as I think it makes more sense.

How can I memoize a method that may return true, false, or nil in Ruby?

Explicitly check if the value of @x_query is nil instead:

def x?
@x_query = expensive_way_to_calculate_x if @x_query.nil?

Note that if this wasn't an instance variable, you would have to check if it was defined also/instead, since all instance variables default to nil.

Given your update that @x_query's memoized value can be nil, you can use defined? instead to get around the fact that all instance variables default to nil:

def x?
defined?(@x_query) or @x_query = expensive_way_to_calculate_x

Note that doing something like a = 42 unless defined?(a) won't work as expected since once the parser hits a =, a is defined before it reaches the conditional. However, this isn't true with instance variables since they default to nil the parser doesn't define them when it hits =. Regardless, I think it's a good idiom to use or or unless's long block form instead of a one-line unless with defined? to keep it consistent.

Define all or most of the functions in a class with memoization by name

I'd recommend implementing this with the memoist ruby gem:

require 'memoist'
class MyClass
extend Memoist
def one_good_name
# some good logic ...

memoize :one_good_name

Memoizing functions with multiple parameters in Ruby

When you do not need to print Cache hit! than I would do something like this:

def area(length, width)
@cache ||= {}
@cache["#{length},#{width}"] ||= length * width

Or if you need some output, but a Cache miss! is fine too:

def area(length, width)
@cache ||= {}

@cache.fetch("#{length},#{width}") do |key|
puts 'Cache miss!'
@cache[key] = length * width

If you want to accept even more arguments you might want to use something like this:

def area(*args)
@cache ||= {}
@cache[args] ||= args.inject(:*)

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