In Ruby's Test::Unit::Testcase, How to Override the Initialize Method

Global setup and teardown blocks in Test::Unit

You could just patch Test::Unit::TestCase and define a setup method:

class Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
puts 'in setup'

And your subclasses would just use this by default:

class FooTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_truth
assert true

class BarTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_truth
assert true

If a test case needed to have its own setup, you would need to call super first to ensure that the global setup runs:

class BazTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
puts 'custom setup'

def test_truth
assert true

Is having a global setup really something you need to do, or would it be helpful to have a helper method defined on Test::Unit::TestCase and call that in the tests that need it? The helper method approach is something that I find beneficial on my projects – the setup state and intention is clearer in each individual test and I don't need to jump around to find some "hidden" setup method. Quite often, a global setup is a code smell indicating that you need to rethink part of your design, but YMMV.


Since you're using ActiveSupport, here's a first stab at something that won't require a call to super each time you define a setup method in your test case. I don't know how valuable it is, since it requires a call to a different method and any developer can just define their own setup method in the test case that will invalidate this change. Here it is:

require 'rubygems'
require 'test/unit'
require 'active_support'
require 'active_support/test_case'

class ActiveSupport::TestCase

def setup_with_global
puts 'In Global setup'

alias_method_chain :setup, :global


class FooTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase

def setup_without_global
puts 'In Local setup'

def test_truth
assert true


Test modules with Test::Unit

Yeah, your initialize should definitely suggest that you're going towards a class. A module in ruby often feels like an interface in other languages, as long as you implement some basic things when you include the module you'll get a lot for free.

Enumerable is a great example, as long as you define [] and each when you include Enumerable you suddenly get pop, push, etc.

So my gut feeling about testing modules is that you should probably be testing classes that include the module rather than testing the module itself unless the module is designed to not be included in anything, it's simply a code storage mechanism.

How to get the current testcase name in test-unit?

In Ruby 1.9.3, you can do something like this:

def setup
puts self.__name__

With Test::Unit, how can I run a bit of code before all tests (but not each test)?

Why do you need it inside the test? You could define it gloabl:

gem 'test-unit'#, '>= 2.1.1' #startup
require 'test/unit'


class My_Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase

def test_1()
puts "Testing startup 1"
assert_equal(11, GLOBAL_DATA)

GLOBAL_DATA could be a (singleton)-class (respective an instance).

If you have only one testclass, you may use TestCase.startup:

gem 'test-unit'#, '>= 2.1.1' #startup
require 'test/unit'

class My_Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase
def self.startup
puts "Define global_data "
@@global_data = 11

def test_1()
puts "Testing 1"
assert_equal(11, @@global_data = 11)
def test_2()
puts "Testing 2"
assert_equal(11, @@global_data = 11)

call another testcase from within a testcase in Test::Unit

Looks like I can just use regular methods. The problem for some reason had to do with the Headless gem. I reverted to using Xvfb directly.

With Test::Unit, how can I run a bit of code before all tests (but not each test)?

Why do you need it inside the test? You could define it gloabl:

gem 'test-unit'#, '>= 2.1.1' #startup
require 'test/unit'


class My_Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase

def test_1()
puts "Testing startup 1"
assert_equal(11, GLOBAL_DATA)

GLOBAL_DATA could be a (singleton)-class (respective an instance).

If you have only one testclass, you may use TestCase.startup:

gem 'test-unit'#, '>= 2.1.1' #startup
require 'test/unit'

class My_Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase
def self.startup
puts "Define global_data "
@@global_data = 11

def test_1()
puts "Testing 1"
assert_equal(11, @@global_data = 11)
def test_2()
puts "Testing 2"
assert_equal(11, @@global_data = 11)

How to define common setup and teardown logic for all tests in ruby's Test::Unit::TestCase?

Thanks to Andrew I found an answer to this here on stackoverflow.

However in the course of trying to find an answer I also noticed that in the 1.9.x branch the standard testing framework was switched to MiniTest. So actually I'm using that for testing right now. This answer explains how to achieve the same with MiniTest.

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