How to Upgrade Rubygems

How to upgrade rubygems

Install rubygems-update

gem install rubygems-update
gem update --system

run this commands as root or use sudo.

Is `gem update --system` broken for ruby 2.3?

So, there is an issue. The requirement for ruby newer or equal to 2.3 is a new reality and everyone has to adopt the project to it. E.g.

TL;DR: gem update --system 2.7.8

updating RubyGems on Ubuntu

Seems like you installed rubygems from Debian/apt-get package.

If you're on Ubuntu 9.04 or later, this might work:

sudo gem install rubygems-update
sudo update_rubygems

Otherwise, remove the package and install rubygems from source, which is the recommended way to install rubygems anyway:

sudo apt-get remove rubygems
tar xzvf rubygems-1.3.5.tgz
cd rubygems-1.3.5
sudo ruby setup.rb
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem
sudo gem update --system

More resources: Ruby on Rails installation on Ubuntu.

Difference between `update_rubygems` and `gem update --system`

gem install rubygems-update; update_rubygems was needed in some old versions of rubygems, but gem update --system is all that's needed for the foreseeable future.

rubygems 1.1 and 1.2 had bugs that prevented gem update --system from working the first time, so you had to use those first two commands to upgrade at all. There would be no reason to run gem update --system immediately thereafter, because rubygems would already be updated, but doing so would demonstrate that you would be able to run that command in the future.

Versions of rubygems before 1.5.2 did not accept a version argument following gem update --system, so you had to use the first two commands you give to install an arbitrary version of rubygems. You wouldn't want to run gem update --system immediately thereafter; it would undo what you'd just done.

More here:

Various ways to update Ruby gems

The Gemfile is what you change to add/remove/update the gems (or just the versions of gems) running in your app. Gemfile.lock is the file that's automatically updated by bundler. In fact, you shouldn't try to manually update Gemfile.lock: first, because it's auto-generated, and second it's not intended to be altered by hand, and you're likely to confuse bundler if you alter it yourself.

To answer you list:

  1. bundle install installs any new/updated gems and dependencies - but if they are already installed, nothing is done
  2. bundle update runs through your installed gems, and grabs the newest, allowed versions, as defined in your Gemfile
  3. gem install my_gem.gem bypasses bundler, and installs the gem at the system level (i.e. outside your application's code bundle)
  4. gem update my_gem.gem bypasses bundler, and updates the gem at the system level (i.e. outside your application's code bundle)

So, one set of commands installs (if not already installed), one set of command updates to latest versions the gems that are already installed, one set of commands does these things within the scope of your app only (your application code bundle), and one set of commands does these things at the system level.

Git is not relevant to your question here.

heroku upgrade rubygems

No, you can't upgrade Rubygems as such as it's part of the curated platform. You might be able to do something whizzy with the Heroku buildpacks.

To be honest though, I'm not sure that's the actual problem you're suffering from.

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