How to Build a Rubygems Mirror Server

How to build a rubygems mirror server?

You can use rubygems-mirror to mirror the gems and Gem in a box to host them.

Install rubygems-mirror:

$ gem install rubygems-mirror

Edit ~/.gem/.mirrorrc:

- from:
to: ~/.gem/mirror

Create mirror dir:

$ mkdir ~/.gem/mirror

Start mirroring:

$ gem mirror

Once mirroring finishes edit ~/.gem/mirror/

require "rubygems"
require "geminabox" = "./"
run Geminabox

Install Gem in a box:

$ gem install geminabox

Start gem server:

$ cd ~/.gem/mirror
$ rackup

Edit your application's Gemfile to use your gem server:

source "http://your.servers.ip:9292"

Or add it as a local mirror for, so you don't have to change your Gemfile:

$ bundle config mirror. https://localgems.lan
$ bundle config mirror. http://localgems.lan

From time to time reindex your mirror:

$ gem generate_index --directory ~/.gem/mirror

how to build a transparent private gem source server

I'd suggest just installing the pre-release bundler, which is several orders of magnitude faster due to major architectural changes. It's not just your connection to rubygems that is slow; it's that painful for all of us ;) gem install bundler --pre will give you a much faster bundler.

That said, if you really want a loca gem server, try Gem in a box:

How to specify alternate online mirrors for rubygems

You may try

# list the sources
gem sources -l

# remove a source
gem sources -r

# add an alternative source
gem sources -a

The above shows my steps to replace the default gem source, because the connection to is unstable here

Is there a public mirror?

RedHat OpenShift provides own RubyGems mirror:

Any official mirrors of

This gem might solve the issue capistrano-strategy-copy-bundled. The usage pretty simple:


require 'capistrano-strategy-copy-bundled'
set :deploy_via, :copy_bundled

All your gems are packed on local to a tar archive, which is afterwards transferred to the server. However there's one problem, if you want to deploy gems with native extensions (like database drivers, therubyracer etc.) you need to have same architecture and versions of dependent libraries (like glibc) on both machines.

How to use a private gem server hosted gem when building another gem

So this took me awhile to figure out, because the answer is, it's in TWO places. Do this:

  • In your gem's Gemfile (yes, Gemfile, not .gemspec), add the source line for your private gem server. If you're also pulling from RubyGems, then it'll look something like this:
source ''
source '' # Or wherever your gems are hosted internally (or externally)
  • Then, in your mynewgem.gemspec put the following: do |gem|
# [...]
gem.add_dependency 'myoldgem' # the gem hosted at

The reason this works is probably obvious: Your Gemfile specifies the source for your gems and your .gemspec specifies the dependencies.

Hope this saves someone a few minutes.

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