Heroku Gem Not Working with Rvm

Heroku gem not working with RVM

I experienced the same problem, and I think it was caused by not installing all the ruby dependencies listed when you run:

$rvm requirements # it was earlier: rvm notes

Specifically, I executed [be sure to install aptitude first]:

$sudo aptitude install build-essential bison openssl libreadline5 libreadline5-dev curl git zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev

and after all that, I recompiled my ruby install (using $rvm reinstall 1.9.2) and heroku worked like a charm.

Updating Heroku gem, on RVM (OSX), has resulted in a LoadError and broken heroku gem. What is safest way to fix?

Gem netrc is dependency of heroku, run gem install heroku again to install all dependencies.

Heroku Toolbelt install problems

make sure heroku is not part of your Gemfile - it should not be there.

then remove ./bundler_stubs/heroku:

rm -f ./bundler_stubs/heroku

it is possible that ./bundler_stubs/heroku is part of your project and was committed by one of your coworkers, the stubs should not be part of the project.

can't install puma gem, using with Heroku and rails

As mentioned in my comment, gems that are part of the production group won't run in development (unless you purposely run a production environment locally)

If you truly want to run Puma in development (which I recommend), remove it from the production group in your Gemfile and run bundle install again.

so this:

group :production do
gem 'puma'

becomes just:

gem 'puma'  

Heroku Deploy Failed | gem install json -v '1.8.1'

It is reverting to Ruby 2.4.4 because that is the current default version used by Heroku. This suggests that Ruby 2.3.0 is no longer supported. Check out Heroku's ruby version support page for more information.

Revert back to the Ruby version you were using and run

$ bundle update && bundle install

Then try pushing to heroku

Can't make calls to heroku CLI from within a Rake task without the Heroku gem in the Gemfile

The gem's version of the heroku command probably has a higher priority in your PATH than the system's.

I was able to reproduce this in a test project.

When I run which heroku, I see that the shell's choice is /home/justinf/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p286/bin/heroku.

All it takes is a simple gem uninstall heroku, answering yes to deleting the executable.

which heroku now gives me /usr/bin/heroku, and my test.rb now completes with no error instead of crashing out with a bundler exception.

Problems with heroku toolbelt

The problem is that the heroku executable you installed probably starts with a line like this:


This will force the heroku command to always use the system-wide ruby (/usr/bin/ruby) and it will never run your rvm version of ruby.

To fix it simply edit the first line of the heroku script to this:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

This will make the heroku command run whichever ruby command is in the current PATH, instead of a hard coded path like previously.

To find the location of the heroku script, so you can edit it, simply type:

which heroku

It should print out the location of the script so you can find it and load it into your editor.

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