Haml: Append Class If Condition Is True in Haml

Haml: Append class if condition is true in Haml

.post{:class => ("gray" unless post.published?)}

how to add a class to a conditional in HAML

Call me stupid here, but could you not just put the -unless place.blank? inside a div

-unless place.blank?
.Whatever else you need

Conditional class in HAML

Try this

%tr{ :class => ("overdue" if ap.overdue?) }

Neat way to conditionally test whether to add a class in HAML template

You can inline the conditional to determine if the class is needed for the %li

%li{ :class => ('current' if section == "pages") }
%a{ :href => "#pages" } Pages

HAML class string with class based on if statement

Use the ternary operator:

= link_to 'Contact Information',
class: "Tab large #{params[:section] == 'contact_information' ? 'active' : ''}"

The second example:

= link_to 'Contact Information',
class: current_page?(edit_user_registration_path) ? 'active' : ''

Instance Variable If Else Condition to Add Tag in HAML

You are missing the do from the line = link_to quote.link which is throwing the parsing of ending blocks off. You just need to change it to:

= link_to quote.link do
-# ...

HAML conditional tags

If you need to do this logic in different views I think there are two approaches you can follow:

1. Make a partial and render it where you need this. If you need to pass variables use local_assigns


- if ordered
- else

use it

render 'partials/my_list', ordered: ordered

2. Make your own helper

def my_list(ordered)   
if ordered
content_tag(:ol, class: 'my-class') do
# more logic here
# use concat if you need to use more html blocks
end else
content_tag(:ul, class: 'my-class') do
# more logic here
# use concat if you need to use more html blocks

use it

= my_list(ordered)

You can keep your ordered variable outside of the view and deal with the whole logic inside the helper.

If you ask yourself what to use, well the first answer from here is pretty good.

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