Get Path to Activestorage File on Disk

Get path to ActiveStorage file on disk

Thanks to the help of @muistooshort in the comments, after looking at the Active Storage Code, this works:

active_storage_disk_service = Rails.root.to_s + '/storage/')
active_storage_disk_service.send(:path_for, user.avatar.blob.key)
# => returns full path to the document stored locally on disk

This solution feels a bit hacky to me. I'd love to hear of other solutions. This does work for me though.

Where does active storage store files (on disk), and how can I retrieve them physically?

On your local development machine (since you mentioned local disk), you should have a file config/storage.yml that has a block similar to below:

service: Disk
root: <%= Rails.root.join('storage') %>

In this example above, I'm storing the files in a folder named storage in the root of my rails application. Inside that folder you'll find nested folders that aren't meant to be navigated via file explorer/Finder (but you can).

Thru your rails app, via views for example, you'd use the url helpers which aren't well documented yet.

From a rails console, you can try, for a model named Foo, with a has_one_attached :photo

It should give you a ~24 character string.

  • The first 2 characters are a subfolder inside the folder I pointed you to above
  • The next 2 characters are a subfolder inside that

Inside the subfolder is a file with the name that matches the key you printed out above (no extension). That's your file.

Rails Active Storage: Get relative disk service path for attachment

You need to use the routes helper to build of a URL to your Rails app.

class Product < ApplicationRecord
attr_accessor :image_url
has_one_attached :image

def as_json(options)
h = super(options)
if self.image.attached?
h[:image_url] = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.rails_blob_path(self.image)

How to get url of Active Storage image

For my User which has_one_attached :avatar I can get the url in my views with <%= image_tag url_for(user.avatar) %>.
So, in controller I would use just url_for(user.avatar)

For Category which has_one_attached :image:


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