Error Compiling CSS Asset

Error Compiling CSS Asset

There were actually 2 problems. First the permissions were wrong. and secondly like Nerian said, you have to clear your tmp folder.

To set the correct permissions

chown apache.root yourapp -R
chmod 755 yourapp -R

To clear you tmp folder

rake tmp:pids:clear             
rake tmp:sessions:clear
rake tmp:sockets:clear
rake tmp:cache:clear

rails error compiling css asset

Create a new file called custom.css.scss in app/assets/stylesheets and then use all the imports there

@import "foundation_and_overrides";
@import "pnp";

Hope it helps.

Error compiling css file rails 4

The issue is simply a difference between .scss and .sass syntax:

.notification_ok {
background: #ffffff;
border:#e6e6e6 1px solid;

background: #fff
border: #e6e6e6 1px solid

As mentioned in another answer, just change the name from custom.css.sass to custom.css.scss


Further, you'll also want to just use the following:

@import "custom"

Error compiling CSS asset on Heroku

Try the following things

  • Ensure the the application.css is included in your layout file. if not, then add the following css link tag.

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %>

  • Rename reset.scss to either reset.css(if its pure css) OR reset.css.scss(if it contains scss markup)

  • In your application.css, you can just require by *= require reset. As per rails convention, file extension of assets is skipped.

  • get rid of require_tree & require each file explicitly

Lastly, if it still doesn't work. As a workaround, you can enable runtime compile of assets in your /config/environment/production.rb.It should only be slow the first time that asset is hit, and therefore compiled. Requests after the initial compilation should be normal speed.

Error compiling CSS asset (Compass + Sass + Heroku)


I needed to specify on production.rb file the additional files to compile

config.assets.precompile +=
Dir["#{Rails.root}/app/assets/stylesheets/site/site/*.*"].collect {|s| "site/" + File.basename(s).gsub(/.scss|.sass/, '') }

Now is working fine.

Error compiling CSS assets

I was having the same problem. I solved the problem following the configurations described on this post:

In my case, the problem was I didn't rename application.css to application.scss.

Error Compiling CSS Asset Heroku SASS

Ok so after a while, I figured it out!

The simplest, not-so-fastest but least stressful way of working this error out is by going on the file which Heroku is having errors compiling, in my case base2.css, and copy one by one each line of css code and input it in here CSS Validator, I HIGHLY HIGHLY Recommend this, it'll tell you which lines have errors and which lines are okay.
Furthermore, it'll re-write the code where it found the errors, it'll organise the new code given perfectly and even though it may seem like its as long as a book, it'll be the right code.
You can then Minify the code they give you to turn the book long code into one line.

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