Devise Logged in Root Route Rails 3

Devise logged in root route rails 3

Think you may have been looking for this:

authenticated :user do
root :to => "dashboard#show"

root :to => "devise/sessions#new"

Note: it's authenticate*d*

How to set rails devise sign_in path as a root url

look like you're trying to log in the same user again without a sign out

devise_for :admins, path: 'admins' 

devise_scope :admin do
authenticated :admin do
root 'home#index', as: :authenticated_root

unauthenticated do
root 'devise/sessions#new', as: :unauthenticated_root

Rails: Devise after_sign_in_path for multiple resources routes to root

I added:

def after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
stored_location_for(resource) ||
if resource.is_a?(User)
elsif resource.is_a?(Admin)

adapting what is specified in devisegem/lib/devise/controllers/helpers.rb and now the conditional routes work.

How to have root view when user is not logged in rails?

You can use the authenticated route helper provided by Devise to add a constraint on the routes so that they are only available to logged in users:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
devise_for :users

authenticated :user do
root 'secret#index', as: :authenticated_root

root "home#index"

The advantage over @Sergio Tulentsev's answer is that this does not cause a redirect or require any additional logic in the controller.

However the reason your app is redirecting to /users/sign_in is most likely that you are using before_action :authenticate_user! in your ApplicationController so that the controller handling the root path is requiring authentication and redirecting to the sign in. You can fix this (while retaining a secure by default setup) by skipping the callback:

class HomeController < ApplicationController
skip_before_action :authenticate_user!
# ...

This applies to any controller that should not require authentication. You can skip specific actions by using the only and except options. Just remember that whitelists are more secure than blacklists.

Rails 4 + Devise: set default root route for authenticated users

Change routes.rb so that the unauthenticated root route is wrapped, just like the authenticated one:

devise_for :users, :path => 'account', controllers: { registrations: "registrations", confirmations: "confirmations" }

authenticated :user do
root 'calendars#index', as: :authenticated_root

unauthenticated :user do
root 'pages#home', as: :unauthenticated_root

Rails 3: How to set the Devise login like root

If you want to change which action the root_path points to you can do something like in your routes file:

  devise_for :users

authenticated :user do
root :to => 'pages#home'

root :to => 'pages#welcome'

Setting Devise Login to be root page

To follow on from the people who are asking about the error Could not find devise mapping for path "/" there is a workaround.

You'll find that there is a clue in your logs which will probably say:

[Devise] Could not find devise mapping for path "/".
This may happen for two reasons:

1) You forgot to wrap your route inside the scope block. For example:

devise_scope :user do
match "/some/route" => "some_devise_controller"

2) You are testing a Devise controller bypassing the router.
If so, you can explicitly tell Devise which mapping to use:

@request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]

So I retried the approach but instead wrapping it (as @miccet suggets) inside a scope block:

devise_scope :user do
root to: "devise/sessions#new"

This worked fine for me

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