Compass Error for Command 'Grunt Server'

Compass error for command 'grunt server'

This is an issue with Compass 0.12.4.

Follow the issue here:

You need to uninstall compass 0.12.4: gem uninstall compass, and then install the latest working release: gem install compass -v 0.12.3.

grunt cannot find compass command. Why not?

I thought compass was a ruby thing.

try gem install compass

For yum based systems

yum -y install gcc ruby-devel rubygems compass might also work.

Yeoman Angular Node App, Compass Failed on Grunt Serve

Install compass and you'll be fine:

(the npm package is just a wrapper for actual compass)

Installed compass with gem but still getting error not found in grunt serve

Had to install RubyGem-Compass from RPM directly:

sudo zypper install ruby2.1-rubygem-compass-1.0.1-10.1.x86_64.rpm

Compass not running with Grunt on Windows 7

I faced the same issue (windows 7 64 bits) and I solved by installing ruby and then the compass gem.

Depending on your system (I'm on windows too), you can download ruby here: 

Then don't forget to set up the environment variables on windows I think you can do that directly from the installer, but also from Computer -> Control Panel -> Edit Environment Variables. Then on System Variables, add to the Path variable the ruby path, (I did that on

Finally open a CMD terminal and write:

gem install compass

Now grunt should be working well:

grunt serve
Running "compass:server" (compass) task
directory .tmp/styles
write .tmp/styles/main.css (0.096s)
write .tmp/styles/

Done, without errors.

I hope that helps,

Grunt need compass installed in system PATH Warning

The warning seems to say it all.

  1. If you're on OS X or Linux you probably already have Ruby installed; test with ruby -v in your terminal. When you've confirmed you have Ruby installed, run gem update --system && gem install compass to install Compass and Sass.

  2. If that doesn't help, then install the grunt-contrib-compass package with the instructions at

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