Class Methods in Ruby on Rails 3 - I'm Totally Lost!

Class methods in Ruby on Rails 3 — I'm totally lost!

Class methods in Ruby are really just members of the singleton class, and doing class << self involves opening the singleton class directly and adding to it, removing the need to declare it in each method definition.

This article on Ruby singletons does a good job explaining.

As far as class methods being chainable, that isn't something specific to class methods, the second method call is simply called on the object returned from the first. For example:

bar = foo.do_something.do_more

is equivalent to:

tmp = foo.do_something
bar = tmp.do_more

In Rails, this chainability is most often used for building SQL queries (e.g., with where or order, etc.). This is achieved because each of these methods returns an ActiveRecord Relation.

The reason


works is because of ActiveRecord::Relation#method_missing doing the following:

elsif @klass.respond_to?(method)
scoping { @klass.send(method, *args, &block) }

Which checks if the ActiveRecord class responds to the method called, and if so, calls that.

Ruby class methods. Is it getting called on main object?

What is hello being called on?

Whenever there isn't an explicit receiver, the receiver is self. So the call is implicitly:


... where self is the class Test, on which you have just defined the self.hello method.

goodbye is not found because it is defined on an instance of class Test, not the class itself, where it's currently called.

How do I see all the methods/ properties in Object Class

#methods is the method you want. It simply returns an array of symbols, which are all the names of the methods that object responds to.

Or more readable in irb:


Or for the class methods:


One caveat though, some objects allow methods that won't be listed here. Anything implemented with a hook into #method_missing won't show up. This includes a lot of ActiveRecord methods as well as other rails objects.

But so long as nothing tricky is going on, this is the list you seem to want.

class self vs self.method with Ruby: what's better?

class << self is good at keeping all of your class methods in the same block. If methods are being added in def self.method form then there's no guarantee (other than convention and wishful thinking) that there won't be an extra class method tucked away later in the file.

def self.method is good at explicitly stating that a method is a class method, whereas with class << self you have to go and find the container yourself.

Which of these is more important to you is a subjective decision, and also depends on things like how many other people are working on the code and what their preferences are.

why has_and_belongs_to_many adds class methods rather than instance methods?

With the error and code you gave me, that is what you are probably missing:

prod =              # This is a Product instance
prod.categories << # This works

prod = Product.where(name:'x') # This returns a query (ActiveRecord::Relation)
prod.categories << # This doesn't work

prod = Product.where(name:'x').first # This is a Product instance
prod.categories << # This works

Are methods in before_save called in order?

Yes, your method calls will be executed in order. The method calls are not giving you the expected result. Without seeing more code it is impossible to find a solution.

What to call this pattern of calling a method on each object?

&: is called symbol_to_proc

And it is ruby not rails specific

Relevant link

RubyMonk Tracking Methods

I finally figured it out, I walked away from it yesterday till this morning. I guess fresh eyes helped.

class Dojo
@@singleton_methods_added = []

def self.singleton_methods_added

def self.singleton_method_added(method_name)
@@singleton_methods_added << method_name

uninitialized constant - totally lost with this in Rails

Logically, you must be having CarrierWave Uploader class defined as below:

class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
## ....

Notice the class name ImageUploader with l in lowercase.

BUT you are mounting the uploader as ImageUpLoader (Notice L in capital) which is causing the error uninitialized constant Listings::ImageUpLoader.

Update the code as below:

class Listings < ActiveRecord::Base
mount_uploader :image, ImageUploader ## ImageUploader with "l" in lowercase

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