Bundler Error on Deployment

Bundler Error when attempting Capistrano Deployment

I was able to get past this blocker. The ultimate issue is that I had to log into the correct shell and run gem install bundler:1.16.1.

In order to log into the bash I used this command:
/bin/bash --login

Then run gem install:
gem install bundler:1.16.1

Bundler error on deployment

I had a similar problem. If you're using capistrano you can set the following option:

set :bundle_without, [:darwin, :development, :test]

Then wrap your gem 'rb-fsevent' line in a group called darwin. Something like this should work nicely:

group :test, :darwin do
gem 'rb-fsevent'

This makes bundler do this on the server:

bundle --without darwin development test

Which means that it ignores those groups in the Gemfile.lock. What you were doing would make you OS X machine and your server come up with different resulting lock files. Which is why it was complaining.

error with netlify cms deployment says Bundler v2 needed but bundler v2 was used

Foiund the answer thanks to this blog.

Netlify build servers don't use V2 of bundler so it barfs.

Had to downgrade my local version thus:

gem uninstall bundler

Then install netlify compatible version

gem install bundler -v 1.17.1

Delete the GemFile.lock

Regenerate it by running

bundle install

stage the files to git and then push them to github

git commit -am "Downgraded bundler for netlify compatibility"
git push

This triggered the netlify build and it worked a treat.

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