Augmenting a Model from an External Gem

Augmenting a model from an external gem

You will need to put your module_eval code into a config.to_prepare do block. The easiest place to do this is in config/application.rb or to create an engine. The code is identical except it executes every time you run the site not just the first time (which especially applies to development mode) and code which only executes before the initialisation process (aka requiring files) into a config.before_initialize do block.

The reason that config.to_prepare is important is because in development mode, the code is reloaded on every request but initializers generally aren't. This means that Page, which you are running a module_eval on, will only have the module_eval run once but will reload itself every request. config.to_prepare is a Rails hook that runs every single time providing great convenience for situations like this.

config/application.rb approach

class Application < Rails::Application
# ... other stuff ...

config.before_initialize do
require 'page_extensions'

config.to_prepare do
Page.send :include, Pants::Extensions::Page

Engine approach

If you don't want to modify config/application.rb then you can, in Refinery CMS, create vendor/engines/add_page_extensions/lib/add_page_extensions.rb which would look like this:

require 'refinery'

module Refinery
module AddPageExtensions
class Engine < Rails::Engine

config.before_initialize do
require 'page_extensions'

config.to_prepare do
Page.send :include, Pants::Extensions::Page


If you use the engines approach you will also need to create vendor/engines/add_page_extensions/add_page_extensions.gemspec which should contain a simple gemspec: do |s| = 'add_page_extensions'
s.require_paths = %w(lib)
s.version = 1.0
s.files = Dir["lib/**/*"]

And then in your Gemfile add this line:

gem 'add_page_extensions', :path => 'vendor/engines'

If you go the engine approach, you will probably want to put all of your logic inside the engine's lib directory including the Pants::Extensions::Page code.

Hope this helps

Is it possible to use gem faker from my yml file?

Out of the box, this is not possible with plain YAML. But when you run your YAML file through ERB before parsing then you can do that.

Change your YAML to

:ncpf: <%= Faker::Number.number %>
:birth: <%= Faker::Date.birthday %>

and read the file like this

require 'erb'
require 'json'

file ='path/filename.yml')
yaml =

DADOS = YAML.load(yaml)

Btw this is what Rails does internally with configuration files. So when you are using Rails then you can use this simplified version to load that file

DADOS = ActiveSupport::ConfigurationFile.parse('path/filename.yml')

Override a class in rails/refinerycms

Perhaps this would help you?

Augmenting a model from an external gem


Overriding ActionView::Base.field_error_proc in RefineryCMS

Turns out refineryCMS does indeed override field_error_proc:

This worked for me:

# Uncomment the following block if you want each input field to have the validation messages attached.
Rails::Application.refinery.after_inclusion do
ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = do |html_tag, instance|
unless html_tag =~ /^<label/
%{<div class="field_with_errors">#{html_tag}<label for="#{instance.send(:tag_id)}" class="message">#{instance.error_message.first}</label></div>}.html_safe
%{<div class="field_with_errors">#{html_tag}</div>}.html_safe

Defining FactoryGirl for User model of Devise fails

OK, I finally found the problem. It turns out you have to restart "spork" when ever you make a change to the User model, because it preloads it.

Using Rails Migration on different database than standard production or development

A bit late, but I was dealing with this problem today and I came up with this custom rake task:

namespace :db do
desc "Apply db tasks in custom databases, for example rake db:alter[db:migrate,test-es] applies db:migrate on the database defined as test-es in databases.yml"
task :alter, [:task,:database] => [:environment] do |t, args|
require 'activerecord'
puts "Applying #{args.task} on #{args.database}"

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