Appending Headers to Rspec Controller Tests

Appending headers to Rspec controller tests

I was able to fix it by using @request.env instead of @request.headers like so:

describe ApplyController do
context 'when valid' do
let(:parameters) do
file = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'samples', 'Indeed.json'
JSON.parse( file)
let(:signature) { 'GC02UVj0d4bqa5peNFHdPQAZ2BI=' }

it 'returns 200 ok if Request is valid' do
@request.env['X-Indeed-Signature'] = signature
post :indeed, parameters
expect(response.status).to eq 200

adding headers to a rspec get

Unfortunately, rspec doesn't allow to set request headers, so you'll need to workaround it like this:

  it "returns albums" do
request.headers.merge!(authenticated_header("admin", "123"))
get "/index", params: {}
puts response.body

custom request headers in rspec controller test being passed as rack.session

I've been digging through the issue this morning as well. The problem comes from here as the method signature looks like this (action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil, http_method = 'GET'). This was quite unexpected to me and I'll keep looking though I'm not quite sure why it happens like this.

To get it working you could do

before do
request.headers['X-API-KEY'] = 'somekey'

This works, although not exactly what I wanted/expected from the get method.

Set header in RSpec 3 request

Note: This answer is based on what you seem to be calling api_v1_session_path with post request to SessionsController for every spec you're trying to run in your requests specs.

There are two ways to solve the issue I figured you have here.

Solution #1 - Either you create another helper method in your SessionHelper or in some other helper file called support/requests_helper.rb(however you prefer). I'd create another helper in support/requests_helper.rb:

module RequestsHelper
def get_with_token(path, params={}, headers={})
headers.merge!('HTTP_ACCESS_TOKEN' => retrieve_access_token)
get path, params, headers

def post_with_token(path, params={}, headers={})
headers.merge!('HTTP_ACCESS_TOKEN' => retrieve_access_token)
post path, params, headers

# similarly for xhr..

then in rails_helper.rb:

  # Include the sessions helper
config.include SessionHelper, type: :request
# Include the requests helper
config.include RequestsHelper, type: :request

change session_helper.rb:

# my_app/spec/support/session_helper.rb
module SessionHelper
def retrieve_access_token
post api_v1_session_path({email: '', password: 'poor_password'})

expect(response.response_code).to eq 201
expect(response.body).to match(/"access_token":".{20}"/)
parsed = JSON(response.body)
parsed['access_token']['access_token'] # return token here!!

Now, you can change your all requests specs like this:

describe Api::V1::PostsController do

context "index" do
it "retrieves the posts" do
get_with_token api_v1_posts_path

expect(response.body).to include('"posts":[]')
expect(response.response_code).to eq 200

it "requires a valid session key" do
get api_v1_posts_path

expect(response.body).to include('"error":"unauthenticated"')
expect(response.response_code).to eq 401

Solution #2 - Change specs/factories/access_token_factory.rb to:

FactoryGirl.define do
factory :access_token do
active true

# can be used when you want to test against expired access tokens:
factory :inactive_access_token do
active false

Now, change your all requests specs to use access_token:

describe Api::V1::PostsController do

context "index" do
let(:access_token){ FactoryGirl.create(:access_token) }

it "retrieves the posts" do
# You will have to send HEADERS while making request like this:
get api_v1_posts_path, nil, { 'HTTP_ACCESS_TOKEN' => access_token.access_token }

expect(response.body).to include('"posts":[]')
expect(response.response_code).to eq 200

it "requires a valid session key" do
get api_v1_posts_path

expect(response.body).to include('"error":"unauthenticated"')
expect(response.response_code).to eq 401

I'd go with "Solution #1" as it removes a burden of making you remember to send HTTP_ACCESS_TOKEN in headers every time you want to make such requests.

RSpec/rails not setting request headers

Switching from type :api to type :request gave me access to the request and response variables, which, before, I had to created variables myself to try access them.

When using type :api, I had access to last_response instead of response, because my type :api was including Rack::Test::Methods, which was messing up those variables (response and request), as according to this post.

When I switched to type :request, and was no longer importing Rack::Test::Methods, I was able to access request variable and saw that the desired headers were correctly added.

How do I set headers for an Rspec post?

request.headers['password'] = 'x' is correct. In your controller, however, you should be inspecting request.headers and not just headers.

RSpec: setting request headers

Please try like this:

request.env['HTTP_FOO_HEADER'] = 'foo header'

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