Select Na in a Data.Table in R

Select NA in a data.table in R

Fortunately, DT[,] is nearly as fast as (e.g.) DT["a",], so in practice, this may not really matter much:


DT = data.table(x=rep(c("a","b",NA),each=3e6), y=c(1,3,6), v=1:9)

# test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child
# 1 DT["a", ] 20 9.18 1.000 7.31 1.83 NA
# 2 DT[, ] 20 10.55 1.149 8.69 1.85 NA


Addition from Matthew (won't fit in comment) :

The data above has 3 very large groups, though. So the speed advantage of binary search is dominated here by the time to create the large subset (1/3 of the data is copied).

benchmark(DT["a",],  # repeat select of large subset on my netbook
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
DT["a", ] 3 2.406 1.000 2.357 0.044
DT[, ] 3 3.876 1.611 3.812 0.056

benchmark(DT["a",which=TRUE], # isolate search time
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self
DT["a", which = TRUE] 3 0.492 1.000 0.492 0.000
DT[, which = TRUE] 3 2.941 5.978 2.932 0.004

As the size of the subset returned decreases (e.g. adding more groups), the difference becomes apparent. Vector scans on a single column aren't too bad, but on 2 or more columns it quickly degrades.

Maybe NAs should be joinable to. I seem to remember a gotcha with that, though. Here's some history linked from FR#1043 Allow or disallow NA in keys?. It mentions there that NA_integer_ is internally a negative integer. That trips up radix/counting sort (iirc) resulting in setkey going slower. But it's on the list to revisit.

R data.table, select columns with no NA


example[,lapply(.SD, function(x) {if(anyNA(x)) {NULL} else {x}} )]

Selecting non `NA` values from duplicate rows with `data.table` -- when having more than one grouping variable

Here some data.table-based solutions.


method 1

na.omit(df_id_year_and_type, cols="type") drops NA rows based on column type.
unique(df_id_year_and_type[, .(id, year)], fromLast=TRUE) finds all the groups.
And by joining them (using the last match: mult="last"), we obtain the desired output.

na.omit(df_id_year_and_type, cols="type"
)[unique(df_id_year_and_type[, .(id, year)], fromLast=TRUE),
on=c('id', 'year'),

# id year type
# <num> <num> <char>
# 1: 1 2002 A
# 2: 2 2008 B
# 3: 3 2010 D
# 4: 3 2013 <NA>
# 5: 4 2020 C
# 6: 5 2009 A
# 7: 6 2010 B
# 8: 6 2012 <NA>

method 2

df_id_year_and_type[df_id_year_and_type[, .I[which.max(cumsum(!], .(id, year)]$V1,]

method 3

(likely slower because of [ overhead)

df_id_year_and_type[, .SD[which.max(cumsum(!], .(id, year)]

Selecting rows with at least one missing value (NA) in a data.table

Use complete.cases and just take the opposite of it.

myDT <- DT[!complete.cases(V1,V2), ]

Data.table replace sequence of values with NA

Try to use

dt[2:5, (specific_column) := NA]

Select only rows if its value in a particular column is 'NA' in R

You can do it also without subset(). To select NA values you should use function


Or with subset()


How to use i in data.tables to select rows of all columns based on a conditional

Literal implementation:

toy[rowSums(sapply(toy, == ncol(toy), ]
# A1 B1 C1 D1 E1

toy[rowSums(toy == 1) == ncol(toy),]
# A1 B1 C1 D1 E1
# 1: 1 1 1 1 1

Slight improvement, removing a call to ncol(toy), though I suspect that believing this will give a speed improvement is wishful-thinking:

toy[rowSums(sapply(toy, Negate( == 0, ]
toy[rowSums(toy != 1) == 0,]

Select set of columns so that each row has at least one non-NA entry

Using a while loop, this should work to get the minimum set of variables with at least one non-NA per row.

best <- function(df){
best <- which.max(colSums(sapply(df, complete.cases)))
while(any(rowSums(sapply(df[best], complete.cases)) == 0)){
best <- c(best, which.max(sapply(df[[best]), ], \(x) sum(complete.cases(x)))))


#d c
#4 3

# d c
#1 1 1
#2 1 NA
#3 1 NA
#4 1 NA
#5 NA 1

First, select the column with the least NAs (stored in best). Then, update the vector with the column that has the highest number of non-NA rows on the remaining rows (where best has still NAs), until you get every rows with a complete case.

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