Rstudio Shiny Error: There Is No Package Called "Shinydashboard"

RStudio Shiny ERROR: there is no package called shinydashboard

The problem is that shiny-server cannot find the packages that you install because it runs them as a different user which is called shiny. This user is created upon installation of shiny-server

The easiest (and safest IMHO) way to solve this is to just install the packages as the shiny user, using the following steps.

  1. Set a password for the user using sudo passwd shiny, now enter and confirm a password
  2. Switch to the shiny account using: su - shiny
  3. Call up R using $ R (without sudo)
  4. Install the required packages, in this case: install.packages("shinydashboard")

Note that if you have rstudio-server installed on the same machine then you can perform steps 2-4 using that interface. Simply go the same domain/ip and use :8787 for the rstudio-server interface instead of :3838 for shiny-server.

RStudio Error (Windows): There is no package called 'shinydashboard'

As @Roland mentioned the packages got installed into the wrong library (only available to my own user account). After trying to install it to another library and problems with write access , I finally manually copied the folder to the second(available to all users) library.

error trying to install rstudio shinydashboard

In my Ubuntu 14.10 laptop, it worked following the instructions here:

I first installed this package:

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

Then in R:


After that, I tried again to install the package with devtools:


and it worked.

Shinydashboard error passing functions to variables

Nothing is wrong, you just need to declare the objects before you access them, i.e just declare it before the ui:


Header_app <- dashboardHeader(title = "Hello")
Sidebar_app <- dashboardSidebar()
Body_app <- dashboardBody()

ui <- dashboardPage(header = Header_app, sidebar = Sidebar_app, body = Body_app)

server <- function(input, output) {}

shinyApp(ui, server)

Error in library(leaflet) : there is no package called ‘leaflet’

I got a solution for that

sudo \
libgdal-dev \
libproj-dev \
libgeos-dev \
libudunits2-dev \
netcdf-bin \

Install these dependencies

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