Replace Na in Column With Value in Adjacent Column

Replace NA in column with value in adjacent column

It didn't work because status was a factor. When you mix factor with numeric then numeric is the least restrictive. By forcing status to be character you get the results you're after and the column is now a character vector:

TEST$UNIT[$UNIT)] <- as.character(TEST$STATUS[$UNIT)])

## 1 ACTIVE ACTIVE 1999-07-06 2007-04-23 2008-12-05
## 2 INACTIVE INACTIVE 2008-12-05 2008-12-06 4712-12-31
## 3 200 ACTIVE 2000-08-18 2004-06-01 2007-01-31
## 4 200 ACTIVE 2000-08-18 2007-02-01 2008-04-18
## 5 200 INACTIVE 2000-08-18 2008-04-19 2010-11-28
## 6 200 ACTIVE 2008-08-18 2010-11-29 2010-12-29
## 7 200 INACTIVE 2008-08-18 2010-12-30 4712-12-31
## 8 300 ACTIVE 2006-09-19 2007-10-29 2008-02-04
## 9 300 ACTIVE 2006-09-19 2008-02-05 2008-06-29
## 10 300 ACTIVE 2006-09-19 2008-06-30 2009-02-06
## 11 300 INACTIVE 1999-03-15 2009-02-07 4712-12-31

Replace NA in row with value in adjacent row (not only one row)

Here's an approach using dplyr. First, I identify the columns with no NAs. Then I use the cumulative count of those to define groups. Within those groups, I paste all the rows' values (excluding NA's) together.

df1 %>%
rowwise() %>% mutate(full = sum( %>% ungroup() %>%
group_by(group = cumsum(full == 0)) %>%
summarize(across(.fns = ~paste0(na.omit(.x), collapse = ""))) %>%
select(-group, -full)

# A tibble: 2 × 5
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 a bfj cg di e
2 a1 b1 c1f1 d1g1 e1

How to replace with values with adjacent column using pandas

You need to fill the column with the second-after column, one way is to fillna specifying the value parameter:

df.A.fillna(value=df.C, inplace=True)
df.B.fillna(value=df.D, inplace=True)

If for some reason you have a lot of columns and wants to keep filling NaN using values on the second-after column then use a for loop on the first n-2 columns

columns = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']

for i in range(len(columns)-2):
df[columns[i]].fillna(df[columns[i+2]], inplace=True)

Replace NA in row with value in adjacent row ROW not column

You could make use of zoo::na.locf for this. It takes the most recent non-NA value and fill all NA values on the way:


df %>%
mutate(V1 = zoo::na.locf(V1)) %>%
group_by(V1) %>%
summarise(V2 = paste0(V2, collapse = " "))

# A tibble: 4 x 2
V1 V2
<chr> <chr>
1 c1 a
2 c2 b c d
3 c3 e f
4 c4 g

Replace NA values when they are in two adjacent columns

You can also use the following solution. In the following solution we iterate over each row and detect corresponding index or indices that is (are) equal to Na then if there were more that one index we replace it with 0 otherwise the row will remain as it:


df %>%
pmap_df(., ~ {ind <- which(c(...) == "Na");
if(length(ind) > 1) {
replace(c(...), ind, "0")
} else {
) %>%
mutate(across(ID, as.integer))

# A tibble: 10 x 3
ID Rep1 Rep2
<int> <chr> <chr>
1 1 6 8
2 2 5 4
3 3 3 4
4 4 0 0
5 5 Na 3
6 6 9 Na
7 7 4 6
8 8 0 0
9 9 Na 2
10 10 2 1

P.S = I almost went crazy as why I could not get it to work only to realize your NAs are in fact Na.

Replacing NA in column with values in adjacent column

perform similar steps for other column too!

df$E <- ifelse($E), ifelse(df$C-df$D <0,"small decrease","small increase"), df$E)

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