Removing Multiple Columns from R Data.Table with Parameter for Columns to Remove

Remove multiple columns from data.table

This looks like a solid, reproducible bug. It's been filed as Bug #2791.

It appears that repeating the column attempts to delete the subsequent columns.

If no columns remain, then R crashes.

UPDATE : Now fixed in v1.8.11. From NEWS :

Assigning to the same column twice in the same query is now an error rather than a crash in some circumstances; e.g., DT[,c("B","B"):=NULL] (delete by reference the same column twice). Thanks to Ricardo (#2751) and matt_k (#2791) for reporting. Tests added.

data.table - delete columns programmatically

We can wrap it inside the brackets, and then assign (:=) to 'NULL' (preferred way)

DT[, ( := NULL]

Or another option (in case we don't want to wrap it with brackets) would be to loop over the '' in a for loop and assign to NULL

for(j in seq_along({
DT[,[j] := NULL]

Or for subsetting the columns, we can use setdiff along with with=FALSE.

DT[, setdiff(names(DT),, with=FALSE]

How to remove two columns with the same name in data table R

You can use indices instead.

cols_to_delete = c(1, 3)
# OR
# cols_to_delete <- which(duplicated(names(my_dt)) | duplicated(names(my_dt),fromLast = TRUE))
my_dt[, (cols_to_delete) := NULL]

Delete column in data.table based on condition (row wise)

How about this?

 dt[,dt[1]!="-", with=FALSE]

Removing columns from a data.table in R based on conditions

dt = data.table("col1" = "a", "col2" = "b", "col3" = "c", 
"col4" = 'd', "col5" = "e", "col6" = 9, "col7" = 0, "col8" = 7,
"col9" = 0, "col10" = 99)

not0 = function(x) is.numeric(x) && !anyNA(x) && all(x!=0)
dt[, .(
## your categorical columns
col1, col2, col3, col4, col5,
## new column pasted from non-0 numeric columns
new = as.numeric(paste0(unlist(.SD), collapse=""))
## this filters columns to be provided in .SD column subset
.SDcols = not0,
## we group by each row so it will handle input of multiple rows
by = .(row=seq_len(nrow(dt)))
][, row:=NULL ## this removes extra grouping column
][] ## this prints
# col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 new
#1: a b c d e 9799

Alternatively if you want to update in place existing table

is0 = function(x) is.numeric(x) && !anyNA(x) && all(x==0)
## remove columns that has 0
dt[, which(sapply(dt, is0)) := NULL]

## add new column
dt[, new := as.numeric(
paste0(unlist(.SD), collapse="")
), .SDcols=is.numeric, by=.(row=seq_len(nrow(dt)))
# col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 col8 col10 new
#1: a b c d e 9 7 99 9799

How do you delete a column by name in data.table?

Any of the following will remove column foo from the data.table df3:

# Method 1 (and preferred as it takes 0.00s even on a 20GB data.table)

df3[, c("foo","bar"):=NULL] # remove two columns

myVar = "foo"
df3[, (myVar):=NULL] # lookup myVar contents

# Method 2a -- A safe idiom for excluding (possibly multiple)
# columns matching a regex
df3[, grep("^foo$", colnames(df3)):=NULL]

# Method 2b -- An alternative to 2a, also "safe" in the sense described below
df3[, which(grepl("^foo$", colnames(df3))):=NULL]

data.table also supports the following syntax:

## Method 3 (could then assign to df3, 
df3[, !"foo"]

though if you were actually wanting to remove column "foo" from df3 (as opposed to just printing a view of df3 minus column "foo") you'd really want to use Method 1 instead.

(Do note that if you use a method relying on grep() or grepl(), you need to set pattern="^foo$" rather than "foo", if you don't want columns with names like "fool" and "buffoon" (i.e. those containing foo as a substring) to also be matched and removed.)

Less safe options, fine for interactive use:

The next two idioms will also work -- if df3 contains a column matching "foo" -- but will fail in a probably-unexpected way if it does not. If, for instance, you use any of them to search for the non-existent column "bar", you'll end up with a zero-row data.table.

As a consequence, they are really best suited for interactive use where one might, e.g., want to display a data.table minus any columns with names containing the substring "foo". For programming purposes (or if you are wanting to actually remove the column(s) from df3 rather than from a copy of it), Methods 1, 2a, and 2b are really the best options.

# Method 4:
df3[, .SD, .SDcols = !patterns("^foo$")]

Lastly there are approaches using with=FALSE, though data.table is gradually moving away from using this argument so it's now discouraged where you can avoid it; showing here so you know the option exists in case you really do need it:

# Method 5a (like Method 3)
df3[, !"foo", with=FALSE]
# Method 5b (like Method 4)
df3[, !grep("^foo$", names(df3)), with=FALSE]
# Method 5b (another like Method 4)
df3[, !grepl("^foo$", names(df3)), with=FALSE]

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