Remove Urls from String

How to remove any URL within a string in Python

Python script:

import re
text = re.sub(r'^https?:\/\/.*[\r\n]*', '', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)



Test this code here.

removing URL from string using python's re



How to remove URL from a string completely in Javascript?

You can use this regex:

var b = url.replace(/(?:https?|ftp):\/\/[\n\S]+/g, '');
//=> and I said

This regex matches and removes any URL that starts with http:// or https:// or ftp:// and matches up to next space character OR end of input. [\n\S]+ will match across multi lines as well.

How can I remove URLs from a text vector using the stringr package?

Use gsub from base R and a regular expression. Makes your life easier.

text <- "At you can google questions!"

gsub('http\\S+\\s*', '', text)

[1] "At you can google questions!"

Remove urls from strings

Add a space to your replacement group:

gsub('http.* *', '', sentence)

Or using \\s which is regex for space:

gsub('http.*\\s*', '', sentence)

As per the comment, .* will match anything and regular expressions are greedy. Instead we should match one or more non-whitespace character any number of times followed by zero or more spaces:

gsub('http\\S+\\s*', '', sentence)

Temporarily remove URL from string

You can split the tweet into an array .split(" "), and then run over that array with a foreach loop. You can handle the tweet word by word then. At the start of your handle process you would check that the "word" is not an url. Then handle your replacements.

let tweet = "Hello World. What's up?"let arr = tweet.split(" ")let output = ""
for (word of arr) { // Check that it's not an URL here // Replace here output += word + " "}
// Use output hereconsole.log(output)

Remove URLs from text with regex, except current domain

You use the lookbehind in a wrong way, it checks the text on the left, and you try to match www. before the lookbehind. www. is not mydomain.

Use a lookahead:


See proof


http 'http'
s? 's' (optional (matching the most amount
: ':'
\/ '/'
\/ '/'
(?! look ahead to see if there is not:
(?: group, but do not capture (optional
(matching the most amount possible)):
www 'www'
\. '.'
)? end of grouping
mydomain 'mydomain'
) end of look-ahead
(?: group, but do not capture (optional
(matching the most amount possible)):
www 'www'
\. '.'
)? end of grouping
( group and capture to \1:
[^.] any character except: '.'
.* any character except \n (0 or more times
(matching the most amount possible))
) end of \1

Remove all forms of URLs from a given string in Python

Include encoding line at the top of your source file(the regex string contains non-ascii symbols like »), e.g.:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re

Also surround your regex string in triple single(or double)quotes - ''' or """ instead of single as this string already contains quote symbols itself(' and ").


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