Remove Text After Final Period in String

remove text after final period in string

Here are a few solutions:

sub("^(.*)[.].*", "\\1", "") # 1
## [1] ""

file_path_sans_ext("") # 3
## [1] ""

ADDED. Regarding your comment asking to remove leading periods, simplest is to just feed this into any of the above where x is the input string:

sub("^[.]*", "", x)

To do any of them in one line:

x <- c("", "", ".vimrc")

sub("^[.]*(.*)[.]?.*$", "\\1", x) # 1a
## [1] "" "" "vimrc"

file_path_sans_ext(sub("^[.]*", "", x))
## [1] "" "" "vimrc"

remove initial period and text after final period in string

This regex does what you want:


Replace its matches with the empty string.

In R:

gsub("^\\.+|\\.[^.]*$", "", subject, perl=TRUE);


^      # Anchor the match to the start of the string
\.+ # and match one or more dots
| # OR
\. # Match a dot
[^.]* # plus any characters except dots
$ # anchored to the end of the string.

Remove characters after specific character in string, then remove substring?

For string manipulation, if you just want to kill everything after the ?, you can do this

string input = "";
int index = input.IndexOf("?");
if (index >= 0)
input = input.Substring(0, index);

Edit: If everything after the last slash, do something like

string input = "";
int index = input.LastIndexOf("/");
if (index >= 0)
input = input.Substring(0, index); // or index + 1 to keep slash

Alternately, since you're working with a URL, you can do something with it like this code

System.Uri uri = new Uri("");
string fixedUri = uri.AbsoluteUri.Replace(uri.Query, string.Empty);

How would I remove the text before the initial period, the initial period itself and text after final period in a string?

One option in base R is to capture as a group ((...)) the word followed by the dot (\\.) and the word (\\w+) till the end ($) of the string. In the replacement, use the backreference (\\1) of the captured word

sub(".*\\.(\\w+)\\.\\w+$", "\\1", str1)
#[1] "IJKL"

Here, we match characters (.*) till the . (\\. - escaped to get the literal value because . is a metacharacter that will match any character if not escaped), followed by the word captured ((\\w+)), followed by a dot and another word at the end ($)of the string. The replacement part is mentioned above

Or another option is regmatches/regexpr from base R

regmatches(str1, regexpr("\\w+(?=\\.\\w+$)", str1, perl = TRUE))
#[1] "IJKL"

Or another option is word from stringr

word(str1, -2, sep="[.]")
#[1] "IJKL"


str1 <- "ABCD.EF.GH.IJKL.MN"

Remove all text after last occurrence of a substring in MySQL

You can use

WHEN INSTR(school, " - ") > 0 THEN
LEFT(school, CHAR_LENGTH(school) - LOCATE(" - ", REVERSE(school))-2)
As RESULT FROM table_name;

See the online demo.

Testing against

create table table_name (school varchar(320), ts TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
insert into table_name (school) values ("Associated Hebrew Schools of Toronto - Central Administration - North York");
insert into table_name (school) values ("Associated Hebrew Schools of Toronto");


Sample Image

Also, if you are using MySQL v.8+, you can use REGEXP_REPLACE:

create table table_name (school varchar(320), ts TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
insert into table_name (school) values ("Associated Hebrew Schools of Toronto - Central Administration - North York");
insert into table_name (school) values ("Associated Hebrew Schools of Toronto - North York");
insert into table_name (school) values ("Associated Hebrew Schools of Toronto");

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(school, "(.*)\\s-\\s.*", "$1") As RESULT FROM table_name;

Here, (.*)\s-\s.* matches and captures into Group 1 any text up to [whitespace]-[whitespace], then the latter is matched and the .* matches and consumes the rest of the string; the $1 replacement puts back the Group 1 value. See this online DB fiddle yielding

Sample Image

Remove characters after the last occurrence of a specific character

Figured it out!

outcome <- sub("_[^_]+$", "", exampleList)

How to remove all characters after a specific character in python?

Split on your separator at most once, and take the first piece:

sep = '...'
stripped = text.split(sep, 1)[0]

You didn't say what should happen if the separator isn't present. Both this and Alex's solution will return the entire string in that case.

Remove everything after last backslash

You need lastIndexOf and substr...

var t = "\\some\\route\\here";
t = t.substr(0, t.lastIndexOf("\\"));

Also, you need to double up \ chars in strings as they are used for escaping special characters.

Since this is regularly proving useful for others, here's a snippet example...

// the original string

var t = "\\some\\route\\here";

// remove everything after the last backslash

var afterWith = t.substr(0, t.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1);

// remove everything after & including the last backslash

var afterWithout = t.substr(0, t.lastIndexOf("\\"));

// show the results

console.log("before : " + t);

console.log("after (with \\) : " + afterWith);

console.log("after (without \\) : " + afterWithout);

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