Remove Kernel on Jupyter Notebook

remove kernel on jupyter notebook

Run jupyter kernelspec list to get the paths of all your kernels.

Then simply uninstall your unwanted-kernel

jupyter kernelspec uninstall unwanted-kernel

Old answer

Delete the folder corresponding to the kernel you want to remove.

The docs has a list of the common paths for kernels to be stored in:

How do I delete/refresh available kernels for IPython/Jupyter notebook v4.0?

As of today:

jupyter kernelspec list

gives you a list (names and paths). Then pick the name and uninstall it:

jupyter kernelspec uninstall myKernalName

How to remove previous version from Jupyter?

Run jupyter kernelspec list on the command line to get the paths of all your kernels.

It would show kernel names like

Available kernels:
julia-1.0 /home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/julia-1.0
julia-1.1 /home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/julia-1.1
python3 /home/user/anaconda3/share/jupyter/kernels/python3

And then you can run

jupyter kernelspec uninstall julia-1.0

to remove the old kernel that you want to remove.

How to remove inactivate conda environment names from jupyter notebook?

It depends on how you registered the kernel, but I suspect you used the python -m ipykernel install --user. In that case, you should be able to get a list of where the kernels are registered with

jupyter kernelspec list

and you can simply delete the folders corresponding to kernels you wish to delete.

It may be worth noting that using nb_conda_kernels to auto-register all Conda envs with ipykernel would automatically remove kernels when you delete their environments or remove the ipykernel from the environment.

There's a kernel i can't delete or choose in jupyterlab

I just find how to solve it.
jupyter-kernelspec list
Then I can see the path of 'ml', and just delete it.

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