Reading Excel File: How to Find the Start Cell in Messy Spreadsheets

Reading Excel file: How to find the start cell in messy spreadsheets?

I haven't found a way to do this elegantly, but I'm very familiar with this problem (getting data from FactSet PA reports -> Excel -> R, right?). I understand different reports have different formats, and this can be a pain.

For a slightly different version of annoyingly formatted spreadsheets, I do the following. It's not the most elegant (it requires two reads of the file) but it works. I like reading the file twice, to make sure the columns are of the correct type, and with good headers. It's easy to mess up column imports, so I'd rather have my code read the file twice than go through and clean up columns myself, and the read_excel defaults, if you start at the right row, are pretty good.

Also, it's worth noting that as of today (2017-04-20), readxl had an update. I installed the new version to see if that would make this very easy, but I don't believe that's the case, although I could be mistaken.


f_path <- file.path("whatever.xlsx")

if (!file.exists(f_path)) {
f_path <- file.choose()

# I read this twice, temp_read to figure out where the data actually starts...

# Maybe you need something like this -
# excel_sheets <- readxl::excel_sheets(f_path)
# desired_sheet <- which(stringr::str_detect(excel_sheets,"2 Factor Brinson Attribution"))
desired_sheet <- 1
temp_read <- readxl::read_excel(f_path,sheet = desired_sheet)

skip_rows <- NULL
col_skip <- 0
search_string <- "Monthly Returns"
max_cols_to_search <- 10
max_rows_to_search <- 10

# Note, for the - 0, you may need to add/subtract a row if you end up skipping too far later.
while (length(skip_rows) == 0) {
col_skip <- col_skip + 1
if (col_skip == max_cols_to_search) break
skip_rows <- which(stringr::str_detect(temp_read[1:max_rows_to_search,col_skip][[1]],search_string)) - 0


# ... now we re-read from the known good starting point.
real_data <- readxl::read_excel(
sheet = desired_sheet,
skip = skip_rows

# You likely don't need this if you start at the right row
# But given that all weird spreadsheets are weird in their own way
# You may want to operate on the col_skip, maybe like so:
# real_data <- real_data %>%
# select(-(1:col_skip))

How to read merged excel cells with R

If a VBA/R hybrid suits your purposes, here is a VBA macro which will unmerge all cells in a worksheet, while simultaneously filling all cells in the unmerged region with the corresponding value:

Sub UnMerge(ws As Worksheet)
Dim R As Range, c As Range
Dim v As Variant
For Each c In ws.UsedRange
If c.MergeCells Then
v = c.Value
Set R = c.MergeArea
R.Value = v
End If
Next c
End Sub

A simple test to show how it is called:

Sub test()
UnMerge Sheets(1)
End Sub

The sub UnMerged can be used as part of a larger program that e.g. iterates over all .xlsx files in a folder and all data-containing sheets in the files, unmerging them all and saving them as .csv files.

On Edit. Native VBA file handling is somewhat annoying. I tend to use the related scripting language VBScript if I need to iterate over multiple files. I'm not sure if your virtual Windows can handle VBScript. I would assume so since VBScript is a standard part of the Windows OS. If this is the case, see if the following works (after backing up the files just to be safe). Save the code as a simple text file with a .vbs extension in the folder that contains the Excel files that you want to modify. Then, simply click its icon. It will iterate over all .xlx and .xlsx files in the directory that contains the script and unmerge sheet 1 in each such file. I didn't test it extensively and it contains no error-handling, but I did test it on a folder with three Excel files which each contained multiple merged regions and it ran as expected on my Windows machine. I don't know if it will work on your Mac:

Option Explicit

Dim fso,fol,f,xl, wb, ws,ext,v,r,c

Set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xl.DisplayAlerts = False
xl.ScreenUpdating = False
set fol = fso.GetFolder(fso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName))

For Each f In fol.Files
ext = LCase(fso.GetExtensionName(f.Name))
If ext = "xls" Or ext = "xlsx" Then
Set wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(f.Path)
Set ws = wb.Sheets(1)
For Each c In ws.UsedRange
If c.MergeCells Then
v = c.Value
Set R = c.MergeArea
R.Value = v
End If
End If

Anyway to have Find method start at the very firs cell ie A1

Set the After parameter to the last cell of your range, see my answer here

Read online excel file with a specific sheet and only selected columns


url = ''

df = pd.read_excel(url, sheet_name='Data', skipfooter=3)
df = df.drop(columns=df.filter(like='Unnamed').columns)
df.columns = df.iloc[0].to_list()
df = df[1:].reset_index(drop=True)


       LB        AC        FM        UC        DL DS DP ASTV MSTV ALTV  MLTV Width  Min  Max Nmax Nzeros Mode Mean Median Variance Tendency CLASS NSP
0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 0.5 43 2.4 64 62 126 2 0 120 137 121 73 1 9 2
1 132 0.00638 0 0.00638 0.00319 0 0 17 2.1 0 10.4 130 68 198 6 1 141 136 140 12 0 6 1
2 133 0.003322 0 0.008306 0.003322 0 0 16 2.1 0 13.4 130 68 198 5 1 141 135 138 13 0 6 1
3 134 0.002561 0 0.007682 0.002561 0 0 16 2.4 0 23 117 53 170 11 0 137 134 137 13 1 6 1
4 132 0.006515 0 0.008143 0 0 0 16 2.4 0 19.9 117 53 170 9 0 137 136 138 11 1 2 1
... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
2121 140 0 0 0.007426 0 0 0 79 0.2 25 7.2 40 137 177 4 0 153 150 152 2 0 5 2
2122 140 0.000775 0 0.006971 0 0 0 78 0.4 22 7.1 66 103 169 6 0 152 148 151 3 1 5 2
2123 140 0.00098 0 0.006863 0 0 0 79 0.4 20 6.1 67 103 170 5 0 153 148 152 4 1 5 2
2124 140 0.000679 0 0.00611 0 0 0 78 0.4 27 7 66 103 169 6 0 152 147 151 4 1 5 2
2125 142 0.001616 0.001616 0.008078 0 0 0 74 0.4 36 5 42 117 159 2 1 145 143 145 1 0 1 1

[2126 rows x 23 columns]

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