R: Selecting First of N Consecutive Rows Above a Certain Threshold Value

R: Selecting first of n consecutive rows above a certain threshold value

The easiest way is to use the zoo library in conjunction with dplyr. Within the zoo package there is a function called rollapply, we can use this to calculate a function value for a window of time.

In this example, we could apply the window to calculate the minimum of the next three values, and then apply the logic specified.

df %>% group_by(MRN) %>%
mutate(ANC=rollapply(ANC, width=3, min, align="left", fill=NA, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
filter(ANC >= 0.5) %>%
filter(row_number() == 1)

# MRN Collected_Date ANC
# 1 001 2015-01-03 0.532
# 2 004 2014-01-03 0.500

In the code above we have used rollapply to calculate the minimum of the next 3 items. To see how this works compare the following:

rollapply(1:6, width=3, min, align="left", fill=NA) # [1]  1  2  3  4 NA NA
rollapply(1:6, width=3, min, align="center", fill=NA) # [1] NA 1 2 3 4 NA
rollapply(1:6, width=3, min, align="right", fill=NA) # [1] NA NA 1 2 3 4

So in our example, we have aligned from the left, so it starts from the current location and looks forward to the next 2 values.

Lastly we filter by the appropriate values, and take the first observation of each group.

How to count consecutive occurrence below a threshold in R

Using rle :

with(rle(s1$V2 < 1), sum(lengths[values] >= 3))
#[1] 1

How to search for a specific number of consecutive values above 0 in r?

We can use base R with ave and rle

subset(df, V2 >0 & ave(V2, with(rle(V2 > 0),
rep(seq_along(values), lengths)), FUN = length) >= 5 )


#   V1    V2
#4 A 0.500
#5 N 1.175
#6 S 3.100
#7 I 4.250
#8 I 2.250
#9 V 0.250


df <- structure(list(V1 = c("M", "A", "T", "A", "N", "S", "I", "I", 
"V", "L"), V2 = c(1.2, -0.15, -0.8, 0.5, 1.175, 3.1, 4.25, 2.25,
0.25, -1.675)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -10L))

Find three consecutive numbers greater than threshold group-wise in R

If it's above the threshold and it's the third such value in a row, capture the index in ends. Select the first index in ends and add one to get the index of the return time. (There may be more than 1 such group of 3 and therefore more than one element of ends. In this case, the first end needs to be used.)

Note: In your example, the speed at return time is always above the threshold. This code does not check that as a condition at all, but simply gives the first time after three rows with speeds above threshold (regardless of whether the speed at that time is still above the threshold).


speed_thresh <- 35

df[, {above <- Speed > speed_thresh
ends <- which(above & rowid(rleid(above)) == 3)
.(Return_Time = Time[ends[1] + 1])}
, Group]

# Group Return_Time
# 1: 1 35
# 2: 2 25
# 3: 3 NA

Data used:

df <- fread('
Group Time Speed
1 5 25
1 10 23
1 15 21
1 20 40
1 25 42
1 30 52
1 35 48
1 40 45
2 5 22
2 10 36
2 15 38
2 20 46
2 25 53
3 5 45
3 10 58

Find the first set of consecutive integers in a vector

This does it

with(rle(df$DV), values[which(lengths >= 5)[1]])

If there is no consecutive chunks with a length >= 5, you get NA.

Remove if the consecutive value appears at end in the group id

I suggest the following:


data<-data.frame(id=c(1,1,1, 1,2,2,2,3,3,3, 3,4,4,4), a=c(1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,2),
b=c("yes", "yes","no","no","no", "yes", "yes","no","yes","yes","no", "yes","yes","yes"))

data %>%
group_by(id) %>%
# create indicators for two consecutive 'yes'
mutate(prev_b = lag(b, 1),
two_yes = b == 'yes' & prev_b == 'yes') %>%
# create indicators for starting 'no'
mutate(ones = 1,
position = cumsum(ones),
prev_no = cumsum(ifelse(b == 'no', 1, 0)),
leading_no = position == prev_no) %>%
# create indicator for final record
mutate(next_b = lead(b, 1),
last_record = is.na(next_b)) %>%
# combine indicators at group level
mutate(group_end_two_yes = any(two_yes & last_record),
group_leading_no = any(leading_no)) %>%
# drop
mutate(drop_group = group_end_two_yes & group_leading_no) %>%
!leading_no) %>%
# select initial columns
select(id, a, b)

Extract first value after a specific observation

You can do :


df %>%
mutate(grp = cumsum(threshold != 'over')) %>%
filter(lag(threshold) == 'over' & lag(grp) != grp)

# values other.values threshold grp
#1 7 9 7 2
#2 4 5 4 6

Selecting all values above a threshold and then a random sample of the values below the threshold

I think you still need to rbind the results but you can do it in one line of code. I've used the sample_n function from dplyr for the sampling:


rbind(sample_n(cars[cars$speed<12,], 5), cars[cars$speed>=12,])

dplyr also has the rbind_list function if you need something faster than rbind.

Count consecutive prior dates per group

One way would be:


df %>%
group_by(customer, idx = cumsum(as.integer(c(0, diff(as.Date(date, '%d/%m/%y')))) != -1)) %>%
mutate(n_consecutive_days = rev(sequence(n()))) %>% ungroup() %>%
group_by(customer) %>%
mutate(n_consecutive_days = replace(n_consecutive_days, row_number() == n(), NA), idx = NULL)


# A tibble: 7 x 3
# Groups: customer [2]
customer date n_consecutive_days
<int> <fct> <int>
1 1 10/1/20 2
2 1 9/1/20 1
3 1 6/1/20 NA
4 2 10/1/20 1
5 2 8/1/20 3
6 2 7/1/20 2
7 2 6/1/20 NA

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