R Looping Through in Survey Package

R Looping through in survey package

dclus1<-svydesign(id=~dnum, weights=~pw, data=apiclus1, fpc=~fpc)

# run a simple example svychisq() function
svychisq( ~sch.wide+stype , dclus1 )

# create a function that requires a character string (containing the variables)
# and the design object and runs the svychisq()
# on the contents of that character string's columns
scsloop <- function( vars , design ){ svychisq( as.formula( paste0( "~" , vars ) ) , design ) }

# test it out
scsloop( "sch.wide+stype" , dclus1 )
scsloop( "sch.wide+comp.imp" , dclus1 )

# either create a character vector to run it multiple times
cols.to.chisq <- c( "sch.wide" , "comp.imp" , "stype" )

# or identify them based on column number, if you prefer
cols.to.chisq <- names( apiclus1 )[ c( 2 , 16 , 17 ) ]

# find every combination of that vector, taken two at a time
combos <- combn( cols.to.chisq , 2 )

# separate them by +
col.combos <- paste( combos[ 1 , ] , combos[ 2 , ] , sep = "+" )

# run it on each of those character strings (print to screen and save to list)
( x <- lapply( col.combos , scsloop , dclus1 ) )

# just for kicks, print everything to the screen
col.combos[1] ; x[[1]]
col.combos[2] ; x[[2]]
col.combos[3] ; x[[3]]

Looping through columns and printing proportion or mean table based on condition with survey package

I am not very sure why the bquote is giving you so much problem, but if I use formula, it works ok:

for(i in seq_along(cols)){
FORMULA= as.formula(paste("~",cols[i]))
print(prop.table(svytable(FORMULA, design))),
print(svymean(FORMULA, design))) }

2 3 4
0.00000000 0.95238095 0.04761905
mean SE
var2 6.0476 0.0786

Loop though columns and print tables using survey weights from survey package

Acknowledging the use of bquote as a partial substitution in expression from Ben's comment above, you could modify your for loop as follows:

cols <- c("var1", "var2") # columns to loop through
for(i in seq_along(cols)){
print(prop.table(svytable(bquote(~.(as.name(cols[i]))), design)))
# var1
# 2 3 5
# 0.00000000 0.95238095 0.04761905
# var2
# 2 6 7
# 0.00000000 0.95238095 0.04761905


dat <- data.frame(id=c(1,2,3), weight=c(0,2,0.1), var1=c(2,3,5), var2=c(2,6,7))
design <- svydesign(id=~1, weights=~weight, data=dat)

Looping through dataset variables in svy package

You need to use as.formula to paste the appropriate columns for evaluation. I created a custom function for your case:

mysvy <- function(data, columns, ...) {
model <- lapply(as.list(columns), function(x) {
summary(svyglm(as.formula(paste0(names(data)[x], "~ell+meals+mobility")),
data = data, ...))

Then you can run your your desired columns through the function.

# To run columns 13 - 15 and get the results into a list
results <- mysvy(apistrat, 13:15, design = dstrat)
# should return a list of 3. results[[1]] to see the first

Scoring a survey in R (loop)

By using dplyr(I let Id as 1, 2, 3)


df %>%
group_by(EmployeeId) %>%
summarize(n = mean(Response))

EmployeeId n
<dbl> <dbl>
1 1 3.25
2 2 3.75
3 3 2.75

Iterate through groups of variables in a survey - R

There are multiple ways. If we pass as string, one option is to make use of group_by_at which takes strings as argument

map(c('sch.wide', 'cname'), ~
df %>%
group_by_at(vars("stype", .x)) %>%
summarise(prop = srvyr::survey_mean()))
# A tibble: 6 x 4
# stype sch.wide prop prop_se
# <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 E No 0.0833 0.0231
#2 E Yes 0.917 0.0231
#3 H No 0.214 0.110
#4 H Yes 0.786 0.110
#5 M No 0.32 0.0936
#6 M Yes 0.68 0.0936

# A tibble: 30 x 4
# stype cname prop prop_se
# <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 E Alameda 0.0556 0.0191
# 2 E Fresno 0.0139 0.00978
# 3 E Kern 0.00694 0.00694
# 4 E Los Angeles 0.0833 0.0231
# 5 E Mendocino 0.0139 0.00978
# 6 E Merced 0.0139 0.00978
# 7 E Orange 0.0903 0.0239
# 8 E Plumas 0.0278 0.0137
# 9 E San Diego 0.347 0.0398
#10 E San Joaquin 0.208 0.0339
# … with 20 more rows

Or another option is to wrap with quos to create a quosure list and evaluate (!!) it in group_by

map(quos(sch.wide, cname), ~  
df %>%
group_by(stype, !!.x) %>%
summarise(prop = srvyr::survey_mean()))

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