R: Grid Layout Title

changing title in multiplot ggplot2 using grid.arrange

main=textGrob("Daily QC: Blue",gp=gpar(fontsize=20,font=3))

Edit with v>=2.0.0 of gridExtra, main has become top (for consistency with bottom, left and right).

R: Grid layout title

Dummy example based on a similar SO question: Place title of multiplot panel with ggplot2

  1. First create a layout with the required number of rows + 1 short one for title:

    pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(3, 2, heights = unit(c(0.5, 5, 5), "null"))))   
  2. Create some plots there:

    print(ggplot(mtcars, aes(hp)) + geom_histogram(), vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 2, layout.pos.col = 1:2))
    print(ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt)) + geom_histogram(), vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 3, layout.pos.col = 1))
    print(ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg)) + geom_histogram(), vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 3, layout.pos.col = 2))
  3. Add a title to the top row:

    grid.text("MAIN TITLE", vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 1:2))

Resulting in:

Sample Image

add title using grid.arrange for multiple plots made with gridExtra::grid.arrange

I figured out how to do it, since the use of main in plot was fixed for the eulerr package. Now I can use:

gridExtra::grid.arrange(plot(euler1, main = 'title1'),
plot(euler2, main = 'title2'))

Thanks everyone for the feedback.

How to add a title for a grid.layout figure in ggplot2?

I personally like this solution provided by cowplot maintainers on github:

Make two plots

p1 <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=disp, y=mpg)) + geom_point(colour = "blue") + background_grid(minor='none')
p2 <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=hp, y=mpg)) + geom_point(colour = "green") + background_grid(minor='none')

Use cowplot::plot_grid to combine the plots

p <- plot_grid(p1, p2, labels=c('A', 'B'))

Make a title

title <- ggdraw() + draw_label("MPG declines with displacement and horsepower", fontface='bold')

Add title

plot_grid(title, p, ncol=1, rel_heights=c(0.1, 1)) # rel_heights values control title margins

grid arrange textGrob() and ggplots. Title and subtitle gridExtra

Following changing multiple line title in multiplot ggplot2 using grid.arrange I could do what you asked for by creating two grids, first with only the plots and second with title, subtitle and the first grid. Using a synthetic plot_list:

df <- data.frame(v1 = rnorm(1000))
plot_list <- list()
for (i in 1:15) {
df[,ncol(df)+1] <- rnorm(1000)
names(df)[ncol(df)] <- paste0("V_",as.character(i))
i <- i
plot_list[[i]] <<- ggplot(df) + geom_point(aes_string(x = "v1", y = paste0("V_",as.character(i))))
tg <- textGrob('Title', gp = gpar(fontsize = 13, fontface = 'bold'))
sg <- textGrob('Subtitle', gp = gpar(fontsize = 10))
margin <- unit(0.5, "line")
grided <- gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = plot_list, ncol = 3)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(tg, sg, grided,
heights = unit.c(grobHeight(tg) + 1.2*margin,
grobHeight(sg) + margin,


Hope this helps!

Margin above title in ggplot created with grid.arrange

Making use of arrangeGrob you could add some margin on top of your header via a zeroGrob like so:


df1 = data.frame(x=1:10, y1=11:20, y2=21:30)
gg1 = ggplot(df1) + geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y1))
gg2 = ggplot(df1) + geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y2))

title <- textGrob("Here should be some space above",
gp=gpar(fontsize=18, fontfamily="Times New Roman"))

# Add a zeroGrob of height 2cm on top of the title
title <- arrangeGrob(zeroGrob(), title,
widths = unit(1, 'npc'),
heights = unit(c(2, 1), c('cm', 'npc')),
as.table = FALSE)
grid.arrange(gg1, gg2, top = title)

Sample Image

How to add titles between plots

Here is a gtable solution to your problem. There might be easier solutions out there, but this should work.

First we'll bake in some titles in the leftmost plots

library(grid) # needed later for plotting

data("midwest", package = "ggplot2")
p1<-ggplot(midwest, aes(x=area, y=poptotal)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Title 1")
p2<-ggplot(midwest, aes(x=area, y=poptotal)) + geom_point()
p3<-ggplot(midwest, aes(x=area, y=poptotal)) + geom_point() + ggtitle("Title 2")
p4<-ggplot(midwest, aes(x=area, y=poptotal)) + geom_point()

Then we can cbind and rbind the plots together as we see fit.

p12 <- cbind(ggplotGrob(p1), ggplotGrob(p2), size = "first")
p34 <- cbind(ggplotGrob(p3), ggplotGrob(p4), size = "first")

all <- rbind(p12, p34, size = "first")

grid.newpage(); grid.draw(all)

Note that we'd have to work with grid.newpage() and grid.draw() to get our plots, since we've left the ggplot sphere and are now in the realm of gtables and grid. Anyway, resulting plot looks like the following:

Sample Image

From your example I expect that you want these titles to be centered. This will be a bit more finicky:

# Decide what is a title
is_title <- grep("^title$", all$layout$name)
# Grab all titles
titles <- all$grobs[is_title]
# Exclude empty titles
is_title <- is_title[!sapply(titles, inherits, "zeroGrob")]

# Center title
all$grobs[is_title] <- lapply(all$grobs[is_title], function(title) {
title$children[[1]]$hjust <- 0.5
title$children[[1]]$x <- unit(0.5, "npc")

# Spread title over all panels
# You can see the number you'd need from the l/r coordinates of the 'panel' grobs
# which you can find by printing `all` or `all$layout`.
all$layout[is_title, "r"] <- 14

grid.newpage(); grid.draw(all)

Sample Image

EDIT: added example for adding extra titles

You can add extra titles, but you would need the gtable package for this.


# First make extra titles
left <- textGrob("Left Title", gp = gpar(fontsize = 13.2, col = "black",
lineheight = 0.9, font = 1))
right <- textGrob("Right Title", gp = gpar(fontsize = 13.2, col = "black",
lineheight = 0.9, font = 1))

# Find a height that was 0, assign new height based on extra title
all$heights[[2]] <- unit(1, "grobheight", left)
# Add the titles (t = top position, l = left position)
all <- gtable_add_grob(all, left, t = 2, l = 5, clip = "off")
all <- gtable_add_grob(all, right, t = 2, l = 14, clip = "off")

grid.newpage(); grid.draw(all)

Sample Image

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