R: Find First Non-Na Observation in Data.Table Column by Group

R: find first non-NA observation in data.table column by group

Here's one way:

DT[!is.na(Petal.Width), first := as.integer(seq_len(.N) == 1L), by = Species]

dplyr::first() to choose first non NA value

Use na.omit, compare:

first(c(NA, 11, 22))
# [1] NA

first(na.omit(c(NA, 11, 22)))
# [1] 11

Using example data:

d %>%
value = case_when(
group == 2 & year ==2000 ~ NA_integer_,
group == 3 & year ==2002 ~ NA_integer_,
TRUE ~ value))%>%
group_by(group) %>%
first = dplyr::first(na.omit(value)),
last = dplyr::last(na.omit(value)))

# # A tibble: 9 x 5
# # Groups: group [3]
# group year value first last
# <int> <dbl> <int> <int> <int>
# 1 1 2000 3 3 4
# 2 1 2001 8 3 4
# 3 1 2002 4 3 4
# 4 2 2000 NA 9 1
# 5 2 2001 9 9 1
# 6 2 2002 1 9 1
# 7 3 2000 5 5 9
# 8 3 2001 9 5 9
# 9 3 2002 NA 5 9

Selecting non `NA` values from duplicate rows with `data.table` -- when having more than one grouping variable

Here some data.table-based solutions.


method 1

na.omit(df_id_year_and_type, cols="type") drops NA rows based on column type.
unique(df_id_year_and_type[, .(id, year)], fromLast=TRUE) finds all the groups.
And by joining them (using the last match: mult="last"), we obtain the desired output.

na.omit(df_id_year_and_type, cols="type"
)[unique(df_id_year_and_type[, .(id, year)], fromLast=TRUE),
on=c('id', 'year'),

# id year type
# <num> <num> <char>
# 1: 1 2002 A
# 2: 2 2008 B
# 3: 3 2010 D
# 4: 3 2013 <NA>
# 5: 4 2020 C
# 6: 5 2009 A
# 7: 6 2010 B
# 8: 6 2012 <NA>

method 2

df_id_year_and_type[df_id_year_and_type[, .I[which.max(cumsum(!is.na(type)))], .(id, year)]$V1,]

method 3

(likely slower because of [ overhead)

df_id_year_and_type[, .SD[which.max(cumsum(!is.na(type)))], .(id, year)]

R - Find first non zero elements per groups in data.table

Here's a data.table approach:

dat_long = melt(
data = dat,
measure.vars = as.character(1:36), # column names to be melted
variable.name = 'period',
variable.factor = FALSE

res = dat_long[
value > 0, # we're looking for non-zero periods
.(Earliest = min(as.integer(period))), # extract the minimum (first) period
by = .(State, Maturing, Soil) # grouping variables

# State Maturing Soil Earliest
# 1: PR Early CLAY 26
# 2: PR Medium CLAY 26
# 3: PR Late SILT 26
# 4: PR Late CLAY 26
# 5: PR Early SILT 26
# 6: PR Medium SILT 26
# 7: PR Late SANDY 26
# 8: PR Medium SANDY 27
# 9: RS Early SILT 27
# 10: RS Early CLAY 27
# 11: RS Medium SANDY 27
# 12: RS Medium SILT 27
# 13: RS Medium CLAY 27
# 14: RS Late SANDY 27
# 15: RS Late SILT 27
# 16: RS Late CLAY 27
# 17: RS Early SANDY 28
# 18: PR Early SANDY 30

Bottom line: convert your data to long format and the computation becomes very easy (and will most likely be more efficient in long format).

Select first non-NA value using R

We can use first on the non-NA elements after grouping

df <- df %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(value = first(test[complete.cases(test)]))

Need help finding a fast method to identify first non-missing observation per variable

This may be a case where melting the dataset and casting is faster when there are only 3 results per each group.

Using @chinsoon12's dataset, I get 2-3 seconds with OP's original solutions vs. 0.4 s with melt and cast. If you don't mind keeping the data molten (i.e., long), that is around 0.2 seconds which is about 10x faster than the original.

#melt and cast
dcast(melt(DT, id.vars = 'grp')[!is.na(value), .SD[1], by = .(grp, variable)], grp ~ variable)

#only melt
melt(DT, id.vars = 'grp')[!is.na(value), .SD[1], by = .(grp, variable)]

#approach with intermediate variables:
molten_DT<- na.omit(melt(DT, id.vars = 'grp'), 'value')
dcast(molten_DT[molten_DT[, .I[1], by = .(grp, variable)]$V1, ], grp ~ variable)

#@chinsoon12's dataset
ngrp <- 1000L #502540
avgNr <- 3L
nc <- 1000L #1019
DT <- data.table(
as.data.table(matrix(sample(c(NA,1), ngrp*avgNr*nc, TRUE), nrow=ngrp*avgNr, ncol=nc)),
grp=rep(1:ngrp, each=avgNr))

system.time(DT[, lapply(.SD, firstnonmiss_1), by = grp])
system.time(DT[, lapply(.SD, firstnonmiss_2), by = grp])
system.time(DT[, lapply(.SD, firstnonmiss_3), by = grp])
microbenchmark(melt_and_cast = {
dcast(melt(DT, id.vars = 'grp')[!is.na(value), .SD[1], by = .(grp, variable)], grp ~ variable)
},melt_1 = {
melt(DT, id.vars = 'grp')[!is.na(value), .SD[1], by = .(grp, variable)]
,times = 20)

Fill data.table with NA-values, using the nearest non-na-observation

dt.tst[is.na(Value), Value := dt.tst[!is.na(Value)][dt.tst[is.na(Value)], roll = "nearest", on = .(Type, Range_val)]$Value]



# Type Range_val Value
# 1: A 0 0.987
# 2: A 1000 0.987
# 3: A 2000 0.987
# 4: A 3000 0.987
# 5: A 4000 0.987
# 6: A 5000 0.987
# 7: A 6000 1.056
# 8: A 7000 1.056
# 9: A 8000 1.056
# 10: A 9000 1.056
# 11: A 10000 1.056
# 12: A 11000 1.056
# 13: A 12000 1.056
# 14: A 13000 1.563
# 15: A 14000 1.563
# 16: A 15000 1.563
# 17: A 16000 1.563
# 18: A 17000 1.563
# 19: A 18000 1.563
# 20: A 19000 1.563
# 21: A 20000 1.563
# 22: B 0 1.987
# 23: B 1000 1.987
# 24: B 2000 1.987
# 25: B 3000 1.987
# 26: B 4000 1.987
# 27: B 5000 1.987
# 28: B 6000 2.138
# 29: B 7000 2.138
# 30: B 8000 2.138
# 31: B 9000 2.138
# 32: B 10000 2.138
# 33: B 11000 2.138
# 34: B 12000 2.138
# 35: B 13000 2.089
# 36: B 14000 2.089
# 37: B 15000 2.089
# 38: B 16000 2.089
# 39: B 17000 2.089
# 40: B 18000 2.089
# 41: B 19000 2.089
# 42: B 20000 2.089

How to get value of last non-NA column

You can use max.col with ties.method set as "last" to get last non-NA value in each row.

test$val <- test[cbind(1:nrow(test), max.col(!is.na(test), ties.method = 'last'))]

# date a b c val
#1 2020-01-01 4 NA NA 4
#2 2020-01-02 3 2 NA 2
#3 2020-01-03 4 1 5 5

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