R - Faster Way to Calculate Rolling Statistics Over a Variable Interval

R - Faster Way to Calculate Rolling Statistics Over a Variable Interval

Rcpp is a good approach if speed is your primary concern. I'll use the rolling mean statistic to explain by example.

Benchmarks: Rcpp versus R

x = sort(runif(25000,0,4*pi))
y = sin(x) + rnorm(length(x),0.5,0.5)
system.time( rollmean_r(x,y,xout=x,width=1.1) ) # ~60 seconds
system.time( rollmean_cpp(x,y,xout=x,width=1.1) ) # ~0.0007 seconds

Code for Rcpp and R function

NumericVector rollmean_cpp( NumericVector x, NumericVector y,
NumericVector xout, double width) {
double total=0;
unsigned int n=x.size(), nout=xout.size(), i, ledge=0, redge=0;
NumericVector out(nout);

for( i=0; i<nout; i++ ) {
while( x[ redge ] - xout[i] <= width && redge<n )
total += y[redge++];
while( xout[i] - x[ ledge ] > width && ledge<n )
total -= y[ledge++];
if( ledge==redge ) { out[i]=NAN; total=0; continue; }
out[i] = total / (redge-ledge);
return out;

rollmean_r = function(x,y,xout,width) {
out = numeric(length(xout))
for( i in seq_along(xout) ) {
window = x >= (xout[i]-width) & x <= (xout[i]+width)
out[i] = .Internal(mean( y[window] ))

Now for an explantion of rollmean_cpp. x and y are the data. xout is a vector of points at which the rolling statistic is requested. width is the width*2 of the rolling window. Note that the indeces for the ends of sliding window are stored in ledge and redge. These are essentially pointers to the respective elements in x and y. These indeces could be very beneficial for calling other C++ functions (e.g., median and the like) that take a vector and starting and ending indeces as input.

For those who want a "verbose" version of rollmean_cpp for debugging (lengthy):

NumericVector rollmean_cpp( NumericVector x, NumericVector y,
NumericVector xout, double width) {

double total=0, oldtotal=0;
unsigned int n=x.size(), nout=xout.size(), i, ledge=0, redge=0;
NumericVector out(nout);

for( i=0; i<nout; i++ ) {
Rcout << "Finding window "<< i << " for x=" << xout[i] << "..." << std::endl;
total = 0;

// numbers to push into window
while( x[ redge ] - xout[i] <= width && redge<n ) {
Rcout << "Adding (x,y) = (" << x[redge] << "," << y[redge] << ")" ;
Rcout << "; edges=[" << ledge << "," << redge << "]" << std::endl;
total += y[redge++];

// numbers to pop off window
while( xout[i] - x[ ledge ] > width && ledge<n ) {
Rcout << "Removing (x,y) = (" << x[ledge] << "," << y[ledge] << ")";
Rcout << "; edges=[" << ledge+1 << "," << redge-1 << "]" << std::endl;
total -= y[ledge++];
if(ledge==n) Rcout << " OVER ";
if( ledge==redge ) {
Rcout<<" NO DATA IN INTERVAL " << std::endl << std::endl;
oldtotal=total=0; out[i]=NAN; continue;}

Rcout << "For interval [" << xout[i]-width << "," <<
xout[i]+width << "], all points in interval [" << x[ledge] <<
", " << x[redge-1] << "]" << std::endl ;
Rcout << std::endl;

out[i] = ( oldtotal + total ) / (redge-ledge);
return out;

x = c(1,2,3,6,90,91)
y = c(9,8,7,5.2,2,1)
xout = c(1,2,2,3,6,6.1,13,90,100)
a = rollmean_cpp(x,y,xout=xout,2)
# Finding window 0 for x=1...
# Adding (x,y) = (1,9); edges=[0,0]
# Adding (x,y) = (2,8); edges=[0,1]
# Adding (x,y) = (3,7); edges=[0,2]
# For interval [-1,3], all points in interval [1, 3]
# Finding window 1 for x=2...
# For interval [0,4], all points in interval [1, 3]
# Finding window 2 for x=2...
# For interval [0,4], all points in interval [1, 3]
# Finding window 3 for x=3...
# For interval [1,5], all points in interval [1, 3]
# Finding window 4 for x=6...
# Adding (x,y) = (6,5.2); edges=[0,3]
# Removing (x,y) = (1,9); edges=[1,3]
# Removing (x,y) = (2,8); edges=[2,3]
# Removing (x,y) = (3,7); edges=[3,3]
# For interval [4,8], all points in interval [6, 6]
# Finding window 5 for x=6.1...
# For interval [4.1,8.1], all points in interval [6, 6]
# Finding window 6 for x=13...
# Removing (x,y) = (6,5.2); edges=[4,3]
# Finding window 7 for x=90...
# Adding (x,y) = (90,2); edges=[4,4]
# Adding (x,y) = (91,1); edges=[4,5]
# For interval [88,92], all points in interval [90, 91]
# Finding window 8 for x=100...
# Removing (x,y) = (90,2); edges=[5,5]
# Removing (x,y) = (91,1); edges=[6,5]

# [1] 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 5.2 5.2 NaN 1.5 NaN

R - Fast way to calculate rolling mean with varying width

First create a grouping variable g and then compute the rolling means. Note that rollsum is substantially faster than rollapply but does not support partial necessitating the workaround shown:

library(zoo) # rollsum

g <- with(df, cumsum(ave(time, id, FUN = function(x) c(1, diff(x) != 1))))
roll4 <- function(x) rollsum(c(0, 0, 0, x), 4) / pmin(4, seq_along(x))
transform(df, avg = ave(assets, g, FUN = roll4))


   time   id   name assets   avg
1 51 1234 BANK A 5000 5000
2 52 1234 BANK A 6000 5500
3 53 1234 BANK A 4000 5000
4 55 1234 BANK A 7000 7000
5 56 1234 BANK A 8000 7500
6 51 2345 BANK B 10000 10000
7 52 2345 BANK B 12000 11000
8 51 3456 BANK C 30000 30000
9 52 3456 BANK C 35000 32500
10 53 3456 BANK C 40000 35000

Using Rolling Average to Calculate over Window of Values

An option using non-equi join in data.table which also handles an ID:

setDT(df)[, avgHR :=
df[.(ID=ID, start=MS-15000, end=MS), on=.(ID, MS>=start, MS<=end),
by=.EACHI, mean(HR)]$V1


    ID    MS HR    avgHR
1: 1 36148 84 84.00000
2: 1 36753 84 84.00000
3: 1 37364 84 84.00000
4: 1 38062 84 84.00000
5: 1 38737 84 84.00000
6: 1 39580 96 86.00000
7: 1 40029 84 85.71429
8: 1 40387 84 85.50000
9: 1 41208 96 86.66667
10: 1 42006 84 86.40000
11: 1 42796 84 86.18182
12: 1 43533 96 87.00000
13: 1 44274 84 86.76923
14: 1 44988 84 86.57143
15: 1 45696 96 87.20000
16: 1 46398 84 87.00000
17: 1 47079 84 86.82353
18: 1 47742 84 86.66667
19: 1 48429 84 86.52632
20: 1 49135 84 86.40000
21: 1 49861 84 86.28571
22: 1 50591 84 86.18182
23: 1 51324 84 86.18182
24: 1 52059 84 86.18182


MS <- c(36148, 36753,37364,38062,38737,39580,40029,40387,41208,42006,42796, 43533,44274,44988,45696,46398,47079,47742,48429,49135,49861,50591,51324,52059)
HR <- c(84,84,84,84,84,96,84,84,96,84,84,96,84,84,96,84,84,84,84,84,84,84,84,84)

df <- data.frame(ID=1, MS, HR)

What is the fastest way in R to calculate rolling max with a variable rolling window size?

Managed to vectorize parts of it:

Original -

out <- vector(mode='numeric', length=NROW(a))
for(i in seq(a)) {
if (i-b[i]>=0) out[i] <- max(a[(i-b[i]+1):i])
else out[i] <- NA
## user system elapsed
## 0.64 0.00 0.64

Slightly vectorized -

nr <- NROW(a)
out <- rep(NA,nr)
m <- 1:nr - b + 1
n <- (1:nr)[m>0]

for(i in n)
out[i] <- max(a[m[i]:i])
## user system elapsed
## 0.39 0.00 0.39

Vectorize loops when calculating rolling means with variable amounts of data

I used tidyverse and runner and have done it like this in a single piped syntax. Syntax explanation-

  • I first collected seven days (as per logic provided) DQL and MAX values into a list using runner.
  • Before doing that, I have converted DQL into an ordered factored variable, which will be used in last syntax.
  • Secondly, i used purrr::map to modify each list according to given conditions,
    • Not less than six are to be counted
    • If there is exactly one E in 7 values, that has not to be counted.
  • Finally I unnested the list using unnest_wider
daily_data %>% mutate(dyDQL = factor(dyDQL, levels = c("A", "B", "E"), ordered = T),
d = runner(x = data.frame(a = dyMax, b= dyDQL),
k = "7 days",
lag = 0,
idx = date,
f = function(x) list(x))) %>%
mutate(d = map(d, ~ .x %>% group_by(b) %>%
mutate(c = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(!n() < 6) %>%
filter(!(b == 'E' & c == 1 & n() == 7)) %>%
summarise(ma.max7 = ifelse(n() == 0, NA, mean(a)), ma.max7.DQL = max(b))
) %>%

# A tibble: 15 x 7
Monitoring.Location.ID date dyMax dyMin dyDQL ma.max7 ma.max7.DQL
<chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <ord> <dbl> <ord>
1 River 1 2018-07-01 24.2 22.5 A NA NA
2 River 1 2018-07-02 24.6 20.4 A NA NA
3 River 1 2018-07-03 24.8 20.1 A NA NA
4 River 1 2018-07-04 25.3 20.7 A NA NA
5 River 1 2018-07-05 25.5 20.9 A NA NA
6 River 1 2018-07-06 25.0 21.0 A 24.9 A
7 River 1 2018-07-07 24.8 20.7 A 24.9 A
8 River 1 2018-07-08 23.4 20.8 B 24.8 B
9 River 1 2018-07-09 22.7 18.9 E 24.8 B
10 River 1 2018-07-10 22.3 18.2 A 24.4 B
11 River 1 2018-07-12 22.9 19.0 A 23.5 E
12 River 1 2018-07-13 24.0 19.5 A 23.4 E
13 River 1 2018-07-14 24.5 19.9 A 23.3 E
14 River 1 2018-07-15 25.1 20.6 A 23.6 E
15 River 1 2018-07-19 24.9 20.7 A NA NA

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